what is this!?!?!?!?!


New member

ok i was taking my wheel off the change/mess with the brakes. ive taken many wheels off before just never on my jeep. i got the 5 lugs off and the center cap and then was faced with something ive never seen before (see pic) i spent a good while trying to figure out how to remove it and what it even was, if you remove the pin and the little metal thing, you are faced with a huge bolt... i searched the entire jeep and it doesnt come with any type of tool to remove this? is this some sort of aftermarket thing or am i just missing something? the owners manual doesnt mention it or show anything like it.

any ideas? quick help would be great as the jeep is just chillin in the garage up on the jack and my moms gonna wanna park in the garage tonight. thanks!!!![addsig]


It's the nut that holds the whole wheel bearing assembly in place. If you toke the nut off, the whole Hub will pull right out. It's also how you get to the bearings to grease them.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]

so do i ahve to remove all of that to just get the wheel off? ijust want to get to the brakes, i dont want to mess with the bearings and stuff and the wheel will not come off [addsig]

the wheel should just come right off without removing any of that.....It should be a seperate entity.

Rob... :p :cool: :) [addsig]


no the wheel is definitely NOT coming off, i tried to get it off had the neighbor come over, a few friends tried it. it will not come off. i dont know whats up[addsig]

I work at a service station and there are two good ways to get stubborn wheels off. The first is to hit the tire on one side, then spin the wheel and hit in a different spot. This method you should make contact with as close to the outside edge of the sidewall that you can get a good smack on. The other method requires a "BFH" Big F#$king Hammer, and again hit on the side wall but this time smale the back side of the wheel and tire. Both of these methods work. Good luck and don't forget to have your rotors turned while you have them off so your brake job is done right. [addsig]

It's the nut that holds the whole wheel bearing assembly in place. If you toke the nut off, the whole Hub will pull right out. It's also how you get to the bearings to grease them.

Rob :p :cool: :)

NO, the hub will not pull right out and it's not how you get to the bearings to grease them. The YJ's and XJ's use a non-servicable hub that is replaced as a unit, you can not get to the bearings and you can not grease them. The hub will not fall off when this bolt is removed, as it is held to the knuckle from the back with three 13mm 12point bolts.

Removing the hub nut will not help get the wheel off, you just need to remove the 5 lugs like any other wheel. Buy a Chiltons or Haynes manual.[addsig]


that wheel is definitely ready to come off... your rim is likely rusted to your rotor. i had a buddy who had that problem on his toyota one time... i even chained it to my jeep and tried pulling it off... no luck... then i got a crowbar behind it and wedged it off with great success. when you replace it.. be sure to get some grease between them for easy removal next time

edited by: Snitty, Apr 15, 2003 - 02:57 AM[addsig]

If I gave out bad information, I'm sorry, it was not intended, I will make sure that in the future I will research further. However, the point was that the nut didn't have to be removed to get the whell off:)....sorry guys

Rob :p :cool: :)

edited by: PASmokeater, Apr 15, 2003 - 06:41 PM[addsig]

Well it sounds like you got quite the response from the gang. And they all hit the nail on the head. Your wheel has become one with hub. I like the BFH solution, but be carful not to impact anyvital organs in the process, such as lug bolts, aka studs. nothing worst then a damaged thread on a stud to really put the damper on things. And when an if you every get the wheel off, please use never seaze or white grease between the twowhen you reinstall the wheel. A dab on the lugs is a good rule of thumb too. Good luck and have fun.


:cool: [addsig]


i ended up just putting the lugs back on and im gonna try another day. this is very upsetting that im havin this much trouble gettin that wheel off. imagine if i was out in the middle of no where with a flat!!!! dang jeep. im gonna try the crowbar technique and give it a few whacks before i try to pry it, at least it'll vent a lil anger. thanks all[addsig]