What happened?


New member

A little good natured ribbing and I'm banned from the board? Are you guys serious?

I had a legitimate question and came here for a couple answers about engine submersion thinking people on this site would be knowledgable on the subject. And they were, and people were helpful. Then login, thank for the help and make a good natured rib about landcruisers wheeling over cherokees and I've been denied access from the board??? Give me a break raven. What a weenie.



first of all who is this, and second i can imangine raven blocking anybody over something as simple as comparing jeeps to another 4x4[addsig]

if you got the access denied message its not personal. its happened to me lots of times, so i just a different reply button? is that what you mean?[addsig]

I had the message to and it's just a glich, or something. I just rejoin and it's fine. I think Jeepz.com runs a very open minded and fair site. But it is good to voice concerns and different ideas. Just hang i9n there and I think you will find that there is not a better bunch of people on the net anywhere then here.


:cool: [addsig]


What a weenie
Them there are some real strong words there Pilgram! You are not band just uninformed! Take a deep breath and try with your orginal login and pass word. There has been a bunch of work going on around here on the site by the powers that be and cutting you out was most likly not part of the said work. Honest Computer thought fart would be my guess. Tug :-D

How ever putting some Jap Junk in front of a Jeep in your thought process much less on this board would be grounds enough for a serious flogging! lol Tug[addsig]

i am always signed in.. but often get the "no authorization...." message... like stated, its not personal, its just the site... and they do a damn good job at running it... but its no corporate yahoo, ebay, or lycos... we've gotta expect the minor things, and be grateful that we have such a place to come learn and teach... i certainly am... despite the confusion, i welcome you and hope we can learn from each other[addsig]

Hey 88....As a weenie on this board, let me say that I'm sorry if the construction and glitches around here are a little annoying, but the problems are being worked on.

The guys are right, if you try to post a message, and it comes up access denied, just log in again.

Also, we at Jeeps have not EVER banned anybody. I don't think your little ribbing can even come close to some of the crack pots we've seen around here, so I can assure
you, that you have not been banned (unless you did something else that the rest of us are not aware of yet lol)

Third, The moderators on this board do not abuse authority, like on other baords. It's not the Jeep way. In fact, most people aren't even aware that we're moderators.

I also think that alot of trouble can come from jumping to conclusions. I have tried to search out your previous post, and can't find it, however, i still can't see, if it was good natured ribbing or if it was a full blown rant, you being booted, it just dosen't happen around here. Personal attacks (not good natured ribbing) will bring alot of grief upon you.

We are not limited to to Jeeps, contrary to belief. We believe in helping all people who need it. It's just that some aren't as smart as we are ( good natured riibing). :lol:

Alot of post about other vehicles,. my GMC Jimmy included.

All people are welcome here, and we will help you to the best of our ability, and I for one welcome the chance to turn a Ricer from the dark side anyday of the week ( another good natured ribbing)

Seriously, your wern't booted, and we welcome you. !!!!!!

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]


yeah, you weren't banned...[addsig]

I get that access denied thing quite often, usually cut my old message, log on again and paste back to a new reply. Always thought it was an AOL thing.
I´ve been guilty of motor mouth on occasion, never got me in any serous trouble. Like Jeeps, people arn´t perfect.
And oppinions are like exhaust openings, most every Jeep or Jeeper has one.
Japenese did a pretty good job with the early cruiser, pretty much a Dodge drive train and a Chevy motor. Gal around the corner has a Red cruiser, and Red hair. I always look twice at both.[addsig]

The denied access you speak of happens to be a glick in the system. I HAVE NEVER denied access to ANYONE!!!!!! (except for doing some editing here and there). And as far as the weenie, YES, I have one and it work very well. Thanks for your concern. :) :-D :lol:

edited by: RAVEN13xxx, May 18, 2003 - 06:47 AM[addsig]


LOL I love it Raven...too funny...I think It was all a misunderstanding, and I hope that everything is now resolved :)

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]