I got a new TJ, 4.0 - best thing I got. But if I knew then what I know now, I would have bought an older (CJ, or YJ but prefer a CJ).
About rolling. When I first got the Jeep, people would tell me about "the roll over" rate..mostly people like my mother, and older realitives...just don't drive like a jerk, and you should be good.
Differences between CJ, YJ and TJ...well I know some but don't want to make a fool out of myself, and I will let somebody more qualified to explain it to you.
For what its worth...my boyfriend and I just bought another Jeep. A 76 CJ7, with a 350. Get one of those if you can!
I forgot to tell you what I love about my Jeep. My favorite thing about the Jeep is when I turn the key, the noise, and then the engine 'jerks' the jeep. I love that people wave at me, I love wheelin, I love ALL Jeepers - they are so cool. I love that I can hose down the inside when it gets to muddy, I love that guys are dumb founded when they figure out I know what I am talking about. I love that I can put OBA, a 6" lift, huge tires, lockers, and take the doors off, and I am bad ass. :twisted: I could keep going forever, I love that the doors and top come off. I love that it's cool to have a CB. I love that people talk to you just because you have a Jeep..you could be anywhere, and they say "Is that your Jeep?" I love that I can ask all sorts of dumb questions to other Jeepers, and they don't think I'm stupid...BUT the best thing about owning a Jeep is JEEPZ.COM!!!!