What did you do to your Jeep today?

Ouch, no that didn't occur to me. I will definitely find it before I go down the road. Hope I don't have to pull the motor. lol....
1960 CJ5 Willy's

Put the Old Girl out beside the road Porter Maine.


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She don't look SO bad for her age , maybe she shouldn't be traded in for a new model . I see she's got PTO ! Find her a nice home that someone will fix her up and not run her into the ground. I got a soft spot for CJ's , wish I had the means to rescue her.

Washed up the Tj and changed to oil, getting ready for Bantam Jeep Festival this weekend in Butler PA. Can't wait.
As soon as I feel better (sinus infection and vertigo since Feb) I plan to change the trans in my Comanche so I can sell it. My propane J10 will be done this summer but I have bills to pay in the meantime.
Is that a tractor spare or what? Looks like a 60"er or there abouts............

Nope....Just a 35".

Your license plate tags are expired.

Yeah, I non-op'd it last year after I broke everything. Didn't figure I needed to pay a full registration if I wasn't driving it. I just got the notice in the mail last week to renew it, but I have to finish the exhaust before I can smog it.

The loping problem got worse. The timing chain is shot. My new engine will be ready in three weeks. SO.
Pulled the radiator. Got the front of my motor stripped off. ready to pull the harmonic balancer. Got my new timing chain, and gears on the way.
Ordered a new ignition switch, have to jiggle it to get the stereo to come on.
Also bought a stainless battery holder, with all the hardware. BUSY, BUSY, BUSY....
This time next week I should be roaring again... I hope.


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It's amazing how much better it looks. A little red devil lie, and a good pressure washer.
I'm going to let it dry for a little, then pull the cover off.

Damn, I hate grease....... That's what got me into electronics.... But once clean, I love it.....


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Kinda disappointed, my Jeep has belonged to two good mechanics, and the radiator is clogged from minerals in the water. I am sure they know better.
I guess I'll spend the rest of my day boiling out the radiator. Ah, chemistry at work. I hope it doesn't start leaking after this.


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Well there's your problem. I'm surprised I didn't hear it slapping the cover.
Looks like I need to pull a link out. Just kidding, I should remove two.


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Whoa dude ! Looks like you got a LITTLE bit of slack in that chain. REAL close to jumping timing. I believe that usually it's the nylon gear teeth that wear so much that causes it. Nylon is supposed to run quiet and seems to have become popular in a lot of engines back then. Replacements are cast steel upper gear but I've always wondered how many miles you get from them. As far as the radiator , it seems some mechanics take better care of customers cars better than their own. I tend to get like that sometimes and I'm not even a mechanic by trade . Got my degree in wrenching curbside as opposed to classroom. That pic of your 304 is bringing back memories of my old '78 cherokee 360 . Yeah I know , should have kept it. What was I thinking . I loved that truck to !
Hi Greg,
I picked up mine in the college of hard knocks, as well.
I know most of what I am seeing will be from the sitting two years. You would not believe the oil ports clogged up with thick oil. I am tempted to run some kerosene through it for a while. But I don't think that will even clean this out. Guess I'll clean what I can, and put it back together. Act like I don't know its there. I know I am too much a perfectionist.
Surly I can get a few weeks from it. I

Perfectionist ? You should see me set a float . That's why I did not yet get my front panel audio working on my windows 8 rebuild yet , it gotta be perfect. Then I can spend more money on it . He he . Kerosene is supposed to work , I once mixed it in an oil change that had top end tap and it did real well at cleaning the pushrods but I admit is risky to run the engine on. Just can't run too long but still risky. Just wouldn't want you to spin a bearing , I know you want to rebuild it .
Got all my parts cleaned, and ready to put back.
Boiled my radiator with some sodium hydroxide, looks much better.
Cleaned the corners of the radiator, and mounting brackets, "the radiator was hanging by the hoses".
Got it ready to silver solder back together.
Now if the parts will just arrive.....
Got it inspected and tagged for 2 more years...
0% chance of rain = 100% chance of getting soaked, it poured all the way home

Sent from my note2 using my thumb

Pulled out the trucklites and wrapped some electrical tape around to tighten them in the retaining rings

Sent from my note2 using my thumb
I pushed mine into the garage to un-hack everything the last owner did to it. Man do I have my work cut out for me. House wiring, crappy welds, wires running thru firewall with no grommets, oil leaks...... Might be years before I'm happy enough to let you guys see me roll it over on the trail.


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49willyscj3A, Your jeep looks awesome, I love it!!....did I say,, I freakin love it!!
Thank you. Im liking yours too. I wish mine was that far along. Looks good. Im ready to get out in the woods and bend some sheet metal.
Well I decided I would inspect the rockers. Here is a picture of what I found.
Glad I have a good pressure washer. I pulled the oil pan, and laid too it.
I feel like I have been run over, but I sure looks better.
Got it back together, and it still runs, and no oil leaks.


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