Before Monstaliner
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Attempted to install my new soft top...
Epic fail! I let it sat out in the sun for an hour before I tried putting it on, but its still way too tight I couldn't even get the header close to latching.
Then I started unpacking the windows...
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Had my check engine light read after 2 days. I have a bad o2 sensor, according to the code. Precat. Got underneath to find it's exact location. Very far away from the ground; very far for my arms to reach. I am not looking forward to the attempt at getting this out.
Decided to go ahead and put the soft top on (after getting mad at it Saturday)
Awesome Hardtop hoist and cart! I'm having a new garage built as we speak and was considering various ways of storage. I found my answer!
Cool if you have any questions on it let me know I'll get you some more pics and such...
Yes Sir.... I have a a couple questions? I see you used pulley's in the one photo, do you have photos of the other side so I can see the total install? How hard is it to raise it up? I have a son in college who will be changing out his tops from time to time (me too for that matter) and may not have help.
Look back at post 369 I have a few more pics
Great, that answers a lot. Loved your fairlead design for the strap!