What a bummer...


New member
Well the YJ is starting to show signs of age.

The auto trans started being finicky when cold, meaning it takes some waiting for it to engage into gear. It's fine once warmed up but it can't be a good sign. The transmission fluid has been changed regularly and is full and of good color/odor. I know the linkage needs adjusted, ad the needle and gear indicators don't line up as they used to, but I'm fairly certain those two things are unrelated.

To top it off, I had to park it indefinately until I have time to find the source of a gas leak. It started smelling of gasoline the other day when I took it out for a spin. Now if you walk up to it you can smell gas. I have done nothing to investigae yet as time has been tight and the weather has been poor.

I'm afraid I may go through the winter without using the YJ :(

Oh, well... it beats the times I didn't have a Jeep at all and thankfully it is not my DD.

cant help you with the transmission part except to suggest you take it down and have power flushed and the valve box throughly cleaned, with new springs installed, helped mine.

But I can suggest you don't do the lighter method of finding the gas leak, no matter what Mingez tells you its NOT a good idea.
Gas leak? WTF? YJ's have stainless steel fuel lines, and a plastic tank.
Only the fuel filter, and sending unit are not stainless.
Either the fuel filter has a hole rotted in it, or one of the sending unit lines rotted off.
I've dealt with both of those problems in the past.

As for the trans, that could be a few things...
*Linkage out of Adjustment
*Rear Band Out of Adjustment
*Weak/Failing Trans Pump
*Weak/Failing Governor Valve
*Time for an Overhaul?

The 904 (30RH/32RH) are small electronic versions of the Chrysler TF727...
Aka one of the easiest transmissions in the world to rebuild.
They have a few common problems, but hold up well otherwise.

I've had a problem in the past where a screw clamp band on the rubber sending unit hoses wasn't tight enough, allowing gasoline to leak. You'll likely have to drop your fuel tank to check this possibility. While you've got it dropped, might as well check the sending unit gasket and the condition of the rubber hoses. Enjoy.

Twisted, I wouldn't use a lighter around your YJ right now, but you should be fine with a book of matches :lol: j/k
Does your Jeep have an evaporator cannister? If so, start there. A friend of mine had a Dodge Ram that always smelled like gas. I don't know the particulars, but he had the evap cannister replaced and it solved the problem.
The transmission might need a filter change. Cold thick fluid + gummed up filter = slow to engage.