Well, I admit it. One downside of having a Jeep...

AX15 donor vehicle

Well Well Well...Now this I have about a million suggestions, all from past experience in the YJ, but this is a family fun board so keeping it clean with be my primary goal.

1) Front bumper with lift is good height
2) Tailgate swung out and back seat folded up
3) Lil missy in the back seat facing the spare on her belly
4) Roll bars are great help for the cowgirl

well that should give you enough to get your gears going

Like the bumper sticker says....go do it in the mud! Either that or the hood works great but speaking from experience, getting the dents out afterwards is a pain.

well, i'm talkin about if we just wanna do something but only have a limited amount of time so we can't go anywhere offroad and all we can really do is go behind an office building or something so we cant really be outside so i gotta put the top on. i guess i could still take the back seat out and put the seats forward, but im tall (6'4") and it just kinda sounds awkward. anyone done this with the top on? and i put carpet down so just get some nice blankets down there and that would work i guess.

oh yeah, and from my first post, haha, "all my girlfriends love my jeep"...unfortunatley i aint a pimp, i meant to say all of my girlfriends have loved my jeep, including my one current one. haha
yeah bro, you need a shaggin' waggon. One of those vans that holds 15 people or something, that should give you some leg room.

You know,
We always get grief from nonjeepers of how small our vehicles are and how litle the back seat is. You know what i tell them everytime?
"That back seat is NOT as small as it may seem."
Really our back seats are really comfortable. Perfect for whatever she may want. Or I may want, for that matter.

The front seats were a perfect height before I lifted it. We would figure out many many many fun ways to get the job done. I liked using the roll bars. I felt bad whenever her head would hit that.

I even took the Jeep offroad one night for some "privacy" and I got stuck really bad. I didnt know any other 4x4's at that time so I had to call a tow truck. Try explaining that one to mom.

Even though my Jeep has been "dry" for a year now, I still miss those days. And no, I don't mean dry from mud :wink: . Thanks Nikki. Man, I wish I was still in High School. I did better then than in college.
I have to wiggle my terminals every day to get it to start

All this talk about lewd and crude acts in a jeep got me thinking, we need to talk about safty and safe sex and junk! Don't forget to turn the car off.

when I was in highschool, we had this guy and his girl getting friskie at this "make out spot" well, the genious left the car running for the A/C, in the moment of lust hit the shifter into gear (this was a older car that didn't have that hit the brake safty thingy) and rolled into another car!

Explain that to the cops!
noskils32 said:
oh yeah, and from my first post, haha, "all my girlfriends love my jeep"...unfortunatley i aint a pimp, i meant to say all of my girlfriends have loved my jeep, including my one current one. haha

Awwwww... Now my image of you is shattered. Hee hee.

I have the perfect solution. YOGA. Get you and your girl REAL limber. Problem solved. Or date a contortionist from the Circe De Soleil. 8)

I hate it for ya. If you want it bad enough you will figure it out. You best go get a tape measure and protractor and start doing some calculating so you will be prepared next time.
No problems here, my daily driver is a Suburban and the ladies' is an Avalanche (hard cover over the bed). I guess those are a few of the benefits of getting older, wiser and having more play toys.
take the seat out and lay her down in the back...you can sit in the passanger seat if you want it that way...
hun, there are TONS of ways...just keep trying! good luck

LOL, I am just guessing. I have decided to wait until after marriage. :wink:
Well I just have to mention something about this now... its been hinted at a couple of times here now and I just want a friendly discussion on the topic. (please take no offense Laura or anyone)

Now granted the risks of participating in premarital activities today is way greater than it was before but this is true no matter what age you are and start deciding to get involved with someone...and maybe the entire HIV epidemic is what has killed frivolous frolicking and made the youth of today swing way conservative and decide that waiting for a committed monogamous relationship is best for them and all of this is great but there is absolutely nothing wrong with having more than one partner in your entire life, if prepared for properly and protected. It doesn't mean you are any less of a person, going to hell, bad decision maker, or any other religious or psychological term. It doesn't even mean you made a mistake. I think it is good for young ones to have a few relationships, nothing in excess mind you, so they will not be curious after marriage and will learn how to act in a relationship and discover what they require in a relationship. Everything we do we practice at first and learn by repetition but when it comes to relationships we expect to get it right on the first try with no practice??? Doesn’t make sense to me. It just seems funny that today's generation is so much different than the one I remember. Experience everything good in life in moderation was the way I grew up. I guess it’s just as the old song says "O the times they are a changing."


damn son, plenty of room in the ol zj!
Could always buy one of those new extended jeeps they're advertising for more cargo space. Mabye they could have an add campaign advertising the "other benifits" of the added room. Mabye I'll write to the Chrystler advertising dept. and give them the suggestion.
Craig said:
Could always buy one of those new extended jeeps they're advertising for more cargo space. Mabye they could have an add campaign advertising the "other benifits" of the added room. Mabye I'll write to the Chrystler advertising dept. and give them the suggestion.
not sure what you do for work now craig, but you'll always have a future in marketing!!