Did skyjacker have in their directions to drill out a new hole for the stock track bar?
Little research or asking you would find that is not the best even if done right. Many do it because they can't afford the adjustable track bar and for a while adjustable ones were crap and stock was better.
You likely didn't center the tires. It's close and might not notice. And your flex will be limited by the frame side Tye rod end binding.
Second, you wallowed out the holes so your bolt will move. Welcome DW. And with those big tires lots of parts will be damaged. Because it can move, you have an ever changing alignment. Bye bye tires.
Lastly the metal around the bolt holding it to the axel is much thinner. Expect it to tear off.
I suggest you get an adjustable front track bar and use the original hole but use the largest bolt to go through both the axel holes and the bar. Then tighten the crap out of the bolt. I suggest just based on the wallowed out hole.
Welded in bump stops.... Yeah that's stock suspension. My guess is they tried to return it to stock before selling.
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