wanna buy some breasts off ebay? only $1000!!! (Rated PG-13


Oh contrare, far right. I actually have very little time. I'm just very efficient at wasting time. Besides, there are less than 5 minutes left to go on my lasgne. Ummmmmmmmm.

But that's not the point. Don't be afraid of success!! Come on!!! Jump in on this deal!!! Chase after your dreams!!!![addsig]


lol i say an ally mcbeal where one of the chicks had a vibrating bra and it would play music. similar idea only yours is better. where does rancho come in tho? i can see 3m for the actual breast, then arb for the air and such , but springs?[addsig]

Okay, I was going to let all this slide, but, I'd just like to vent a little here. I think it is acceptable to do that, right? If not, TOO BAD. I realize that I'm new, and yeah, I'm a girl, and yeah, you put rated PG-13 on this post, BUT I'm so sick of men nit-picking women like they are some kind of special order car. I personally believe that this is a woman victimized by a society that objectifies women. As I am writing this post, I see one ad for a girl who looks topless and a saying "get the gear that'll impress the chicks", only throwing fuel on my fire. How many of you guys would want ads at the top of your screen that sported some dude in a g-string sitting in his jeep? Huh? Have I made any of you sick yet? Good! Why would a petite woman want to alter her body in order to sport breasts that would obviously be out of proportion? You want to know why? Cause men like it. So, I hope that when she does get her great big boobs she makes some slobbering schmuck fall in love with her, takes his money, breaks his heart, and runs off...IN HIS JEEP...with a younger, stronger, and even richer man. Yeah, so maybe it is good that she's doing this. At least she knows how to play the system. Hey, maybe we should stop teaching little girls real lessons in school like math, science, and reading. Let's just teach them: Gold Digging 101 instead.
(and all the people said...AMEN) [addsig]


I'm so sick of men nit-picking women like they are some kind of special order car. I personally believe that this is a woman victimized by a society that objectifies women. As I am writing this post, I see one ad for a girl who looks topless and a saying "get the gear that'll impress the chicks", only throwing fuel on my fire.

ok, so you're saying that GUYS are at fault when this girls' impression of herself is so low that she stoops to the level of getting implants? clearly she is attractive, she has no problem taking her shirt off and taking pictures of herself... this is an example of a girl using her body to get what she wants.

as for the girl on the banner advertisement, what do you expect? people make advertisements to SELL THINGS, and guess what? it works!


"takes his money, breaks his heart, and runs off in his JEEP!" sounds familar! and you said it gets guys attention it must have got your attention when it said "breast on e-bay" or you wouldn't be looking at it. just kidding-irish :)

edited by: irish_wrangler86, Apr 14, 2003 - 09:37 PM[addsig]

and all the people said...AMEN

Not al the people said Amen to this I am afraid. The fact that millions are spent on the alteation of self each year is evidence enough that there are many not saying Amen. I have a great friend that had a really classy boob job and guess what she likes girls, likes men but only as friends. Sure did not do it for men. She did break a heart and take the money and the car only from a girl. Now she has a new girl and is talking going bigger!

I know a lady that had her face seriously changed, nose, chin, browls and she did it all for herself. She is 68 and wants nothing more to do with men or women just wants to look better.

How do you feel about Butt implants? J Lo seems to have really started some thing big pardon the Pun. How do you feel about mens taken pills hopeing to grow their willy bigger? Who do you think they are doing this for? Ads in the email all the time 90 % of my email either wants to make my body parts bigger or my bills smaller.

Dont let the little stuff get you down. People have real problems feeling good about them selves and go to great lengths to improve self image. This girl in the ebay ad wants to get these for a reason that we may never know. But she wants them.

The bottom line is if she is stupid enough to but this on eBay why oh why can't we have fun with it. I remember when a guy on a different jeep site got hurculiner on his willy and posted for help take it off. That was funny as it gets and he did not do it for any one. Tug[addsig]


How do I feel about butt implants?
Don't need em.
And, You're right, Tug, I should look on the bright side of things...
perhaps one day the market will be filled with Swedish made penis enlargers and then everyone's happy.
:) [addsig]

ok ,noli has a valied point. i for one think this post has gone far enough.there are other forums and sites to discuss these type issues. jeepz is not the place . i try and moniterwhat my children look at on the web. when i have to screen jeepz there is a problem. i think i could find better things to do with my time..........odax :-( :-? [addsig]

Hey you made a very impressive statement and I most say that for such a young person you seam to have your witts about you.

With that said, keep smiling and the world will wonder what the heck your up too.


:cool: [addsig]


Hey you made a very impressive statement and I most say that for such a young person you seam to have your witts about you.

who are you saying that to?


I was saying it to "Noli" She seamed as if she took the time to post how she felt and made a good argument for her view. I was impressed with her writing, and her ability to do so and not be petty about it. She showed that even from the mouth of babes, wisdom can be spoken.

Now the real question, Does she drive a OllllO?? And the answer is : Not yet but I have no doubt she will soon.


:cool: [addsig]

ok noli i think you misinterpreted the banner..... it says "get the gear that will impress the chicks" it doesnt say get the gear so you can slam on women and make them go topless, its trying to IMPRESS them, its comepletely harmless. its not in any way making women victims of anything, if anything its the exact opposite. men buying stuff to impress women, to make them look. id say its more idolizing women than anything. im not disagreeing with you on whatever else you were talking about but im saying that banner was created by terry mason the site owner/runner whatever and he in NO way meant for it to be anything but mildly comical. i think we're all taking ourselves too seriously here. just chill[addsig]