waggy knucles and spindles.


New member
has anyone used a set of dana 44 waggy knuckles, spindles and disc brakes with a ford dana 44 hub and rotor assembly? i guess my question is is the dana 44 waggy spindle the same size as a ford dana 44 spindle? thanks. west747

Based on what we looked at with the difference of the Ford and Chevy 44, I would say yes. The brake rotors will be different because of the diffferent lug patterns.
What exactly are you trying to do, if you don't mind my asking?
i am using a ford dana 44 front end. however the problem is that when i went soa the springs are in the way of any conventional steering set-up. the ford knuckles i have do not have flat tops on the knuckles( cause the only way i can see getting the steering set-up is to bolt an arm on the passenger side knuckle for a high steer set-up). so my plan was to use either chevy or waggy knuckles, spindles and disc-brake caliper brackets with my ford hub and rotor assembly( so i can keep a 5 on 5.5 lug pattern). i already have the rims with a 5 on 5.5 bolt pattern and woul;d really like to keep the front and rear the same bolt pattern.

i will try and get a picture of my front end to give you a beetter idea of the probl;em i am having with getting the steering worked out.
Certain year Waggy D44 hub and knuckle parts are interchangable with the Ford D44, don't know if it applies to all years. It's worth a shot.

Difference in Models

i just drove 100 km's to a junkyard and found a waggy front dana 44 with flat knuckles. not too sure about the year but it looks pretty old. i measured the spindle and rotor size and will cross that with my ford stuff to see if it will work.
I'm pretty sure that you can use the Ford housing with Wagoneer knuckles and spindle, then use the Ford rotors and hub.
I know that you can use Chevy knuckles with a Scout 44, so I'm thinking that you can interchange most of the parts. You will have to match the spindle with the knuckle and the rotor and hub with the wheel.
What about the caliper bracket and caliper? You will have to compare the two and see how if the diameter of the rotor will affect the bracket. I think it will work. Should be an 11" rotor.
cooll. thanks for the help guys i will let you know if or what parts are interchangable as i find out. now i just need some scratch to buy that front end. :lol: :lol: