Vegas Bachelor Party aftermath prank (work safe)


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RE: Re: RE: Stuck line truck

Okay, here's the background story. I thought I had lost these when my dog spilled an entire Venti Toffe-nut Latte all over the keyboard of my laptop. But evidentally I was smart enough to Zip them! I forgot how funny this was, and thought I had to share with my homies.

About 2 years ago, my buddy Greg had his bachelor party in Vegas, and we had a crazy time. All of our buddies went out to partake in the festivities. My friends Wade, Steve, Koji all stayed in the same hotel.

Long story short, last night out there, we partied like maniacs, and stumbled in at about 5pm. Steve and Wade, fell asleep first...BIG MISTAKE!!
Koji had his digital camera and the rest is history.

All of these are clickable thumbnails:

At first, it started as a small project that grew:

And grew:

That's me about to put Steve's dirty sock on Wade:

Me about to put Steve's boxers on Wade:

Until finally we ran out of stuff:

Naturally, we couldn't rob Steve a chance at being embarrassed...
So, we began by putting a shower cap on his head:

Cigarette in mouth, holding a toilet dispenser spool:

We put Wade's boxers on Steve's head. Hahahahaha!

Steve and his makeshift turbin:

And that's about all I can show from the Vegas trip of 2003. We met Jessica Biel, and Fez from that 70's show. Aside from that, the rest must "Stay in Vegas" as they say. :wink:

Pretty funny, I went to a bachelor party in vegas too. We met up with the region distributor for Jack Daniels one night. The rest was a blur.
RE: Stupid People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have to find the one my friends did to me... I assed out in the floor after a lot of white wine, they used me as a coffee table for the rest of the night, plates, glasses, the works... Apparantly, I have a very flat back...
well as long as we're posting embarrasing passed out pictures with stuff loaded on top. party at my place back in december.





Re: RE: I

I sure am glad I ALWAYS wake up real easily. All my friends have figured out they can't get away with doing that kind of stuff to me....luckily!!!

Those sure are some funny pictures though!

Ants, is that you in those pictures? I bet your knees and legs sure hurt in the morning!! (I see you kept your pants on though...)
RE: Re: RE: "Sandwhich" or "Sammich"

yep thats me.. no my knees didnt hurt (comfortable bed), i've been known to pass out in more awkward positions. and if i drink enuf i dont even need to be passed out for you to take retarted pictures of me.. there have been quite a few occasions where i have woken up with writing all over me mainly highligher (glows under black lights at the bar) i belive i had a DJ sign my ass before and the other one signed my underwear. i just like to have a good time - and if i have to be the one everyone laughs at.. whatever i dont care as long as they have fun :D

RE: $503 Million in Trail Funding at Stake – Write your Sena

We did that to some guy who passed out in a chair at our campsite one year. We played "lets see how many empty beer cans we can stack up". The guy was completley covered in empties, then we all dropped our pants and took a picture of our bare asses around his head with a polaroid camera and left the picture duct taped to his chest. Needless to say, he was gone in the morning never to be seen again.
RE: TFI upgrade Q

It was a standing rule in college that if you passed out anywhere outside of your own bed you were fair game for "markering." Black permanent marker, all over. Cleaning that game of tic-tac-toe off the middle of my back was tough.

Neutral Safety Switch

Well I don't pass out, I've always been the last to fall asleep. Its a responsibility issue. I have to know everyone is safe before I turn in. I had some pics on my old computer of back in the day, high school graduation week. The guys got this one girl bad. I felt bad for her. Some kid spit on her eyes, her eye sockets were full and overflowing with spit. When she woke up, of course I was the only person awake, but you know darn well that I pretended to be sleeping. Needless to say, after she chiseled her eyes open, she went on a rampage.

A couple years later, someone passed out on a couch near a heater vent in a floor. DUTCH OVEN!!!! We covered him with every blanket and pillow we could find, making sure to also cover the floor register so it heated up in there. He had to lose 58 lbs just sweating. So after a night of drinking, all the guys took turns introducing various flatulent flavors. I am not a drinker, but I had some good ones built up from a night of meatballs, chicken wings, and fajitas. I felt bad for that guy. I have pics somewhere in some album.

We used to tie people together in their sleep when they were passed out. That was always my operation. One time some guy was passed out in a recliner. We then tied a rope from his foot to a bucket of water across the room, resting on the back of a couch that another person was on. We were long gone before the plan worked. But just as planned, when he woke up, he tried sitting up, pulling his feet to the floor, pouring water all over the guy across the room.
One time, I had some electric tape in my pocket (yeah i have all sorts of strange stuff in my pockets)... I went around to everyone in a room and taped everyones wrists and ankles. I then went outside and knocked at the door... "Police, we have a warrant to search the property". It was one of the greatest things in the world to watch through the window as people try to get up, grab their stuff, and run.
In the winter, I would pull people's blankets halfway off them, then tie it to another person's blanket. Then I would turn the heat way down. When it got cold enough, one person would pull their blanket back up, which pulled another person's off. They eventually got cold and did the same back. It usually lasted all night
Tying people to furniture was always fun to watch as they got up and knocked everything over when they tried to move.

Those pics back up there. I wouldn't mind most of that. But if I woke up with a cigarette in my mouth, even as innocently as it would be meant, I would run a rampage and make people bleed.
RE: HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz folks...

I dont know if I want to party around you guys. The marker thing would piss me off good.

I too usually don't pass out, cause my friends are a$$es!

We have been know to do a lot of funny things, but we don't take picks cause it is called evidence!
Oh they were pissed, but they didn't find out anything had happened until they woke up and we met the gals for breakfast. We had a blast parading the camera around pointing and laughing.

But we are all REAL close. I consider each one of them my brothers. As easily as I'd marker their faces with handlebar mustaches, I'd also take a bullet for everyone of them. And they'd do the same for me.

But we are all super tight. When it comes down to it, they got GOT.

Oh yeah, and Triple Venti toffee-nut lattes are the equivalent of 3 coffees. So, don't sneak up on a brotha after I've downed one, you might end up in a knee bar. :wink: