Vandals Suck

Junkpile said:
I hate vandalism too. They should have to pay for all damage and inconvenience to the victim and be punished to the full extent of the law. If the vandal is an adult, a beating is in order too. On the other hand, if my stupid little kid was permanently hurt by some boobytrapping hillbilly, some destroyed property would be the least of their concerns. We were all young at some point and we all did stupid things.

Personally, I think you should be allowed to protect your property anyway you see fit. If some jacka$$ kid is going to mess with my Jeep, he deserves anything he stumbles into. Why the hell should I be held accountable for some poor parenting and the bad choices of a snot-nosed punk that gets his jollies out of destroying other people's property?:evil: This is just another example of the criminal having more rights than the victim.

"Where are we going, and what are we doing in this handbasket?"
Not too long after i got my jeep i had the cd player stolen out of it while i was at football practice... the cops found out who it was and he was sent to juvy and rehab (i think he got off too light)... not too long after my jeep was keyed by one of his friends and i knew who that was... i called the cops and had him arrested... after the cops i caught him alone and lets just say he didn't look good for a couple weeks(how dare he touch my jeep... my girl, my house, anything but my jeep)... went to court and he owed us 1,250 dollars for the paintjob... went to autozone bought a 5 dollar bottle of scratch paint... then i went and bought nerf bars and brand new bfg 31x10.5's(mine kinda looked old and hey i wasn't paying)... thanks for the tires jerk

Lets look at this for a second.
When someone steals your stereo, they are doing it for monetary gain.
To sell it for cash.
When someone shoots out your windows, or cuts your tires.. well that is just destroying property and causing another person(and their family and kids) financial trouble. When I was a punk teen running around at night with my buds, we soaped a few windows, where it would wash off, or let the air out of a few tires, so they had to be aired back up. But I don't honestly remember willfully destroying property just for kicks.
Yeah the radio wasn't the first thing that happened to me... beer bottles thrown at my house, my mailbox was beat in repeatedly, i even had rocks thrown at me while i was driving with the doors off(he's lucky jeeps aren't very fast)... not to mention he took a key/knife to the driverside and rear of my jeep... i'm still a teenager and the most i've ever done is throw an egg at a house(to my best friend as a joke)... i think the most violent destruction i've ever caused is to that poor boy's face once i finally caught him :twisted:
red93 said:
Yeah the radio wasn't the first thing that happened to me... beer bottles thrown at my house, my mailbox was beat in repeatedly, i even had rocks thrown at me while i was driving with the doors off(he's lucky jeeps aren't very fast)... not to mention he took a key/knife to the driverside and rear of my jeep... i'm still a teenager and the most i've ever done is throw an egg at a house(to my best friend as a joke)... i think the most violent destruction i've ever caused is to that poor boy's face once i finally caught him :twisted:

I dont think there is anything wrong with avenging a wrong with a good old butt kicking. But things can get out of hand real fast and the next thing you know there are knives and guns involved. I saw that way too much at my ghetto high school. Can't we all just get along ;)