valve cover off


New member
Tonight I pulled my valve cover off cause of the leaken seal. I was wondering if there was any mods. or anything i could do while i have it off. Things to check or to help proformance. Any imput would be greatly appreciated.

Also I still have the carter carb. on my jeep and would like to get rid of it due to stalling problems. All ready cleaned it a million times. I need a carb that will pass emissions and also be a good demendable carb. If anyone would could give me some names of some good carbs that would be great thanks

the only mod you can do with any engine while the valve cover is off is to replace the rocker arms... and as of now, there are no aftermarket rocker arms you can buy for a jeep motor... though... it might be a good idea to make sure they are torqued correctly
i checked to make sure the passages were clear for the PCV system, and i also cleaned out the tubes that connect the PCV system to the intake.

ok, i *might* have cleaned it off too...

-nate :roll:

I'm assuming this is off of a straight six, well anyhow make sure both surfaces are clean, then through the gasket out you got from the parts store or take it back and trade it in for some right stuff. It's a gasket making material. I have done the valve cover gasket on my jeep 3 times the last time I used the right stuff and it has not leaked since. Hope this helps. Evan Also I think there are some roller rockers out from crane for the 4liter.
If you have start up smoke now would be a great time to get some umbrela valve seals while you have it off. TRW and Millig both make replacement rockers, pivoits, and bridges. I am doing this now to mine or at least gathering parts to do so. As for the Carter POS carb trash it and go to advance auto parts for the best deal I could find and get a Motorcraft 2150 carb to fit a 1979 Pinto with the 6 cyl. 1.7 and you will not believe the difference it will make. My CJ has a new life. I may even learn to like it. I all ready do. Here is a link to show you how.
Good Luck tug

Very Sad Person Here

Once I got the thing on and all the holes stoped up "vacuume" and everything hooked up it was and is great like it is. Lower RPM's are a great. You can not just romp on it anymore cause I went all the way up to 525 CFM and it will gag for a second. But you do not need to romp on it it will pick up real fast with an ez touch. Unbeliveable preformance on the angles and even compound angles. Had it on its side on a steep hill and it idles like a champ never offered to die. They say to go for the smaller CFM MC2150 but I have the larger one and it is ok. RPM levels are or at least seem much hight and it gets there much faster as well. Tug
New Axles!

if i was to replace my pos carter wiht the motorcraft carb. will i be able to pass emissions? How hard is the installation?

Replace the plastic cover with an aluminum valve cover. That plastic cover was a BAD idea!
