Vacation in Colorado


New member
Hi everyone! My wife and I are going to Colorado from 23 January to 29 January. We would like to rent a jeep, if possible and start our adventure from there. I wish we were going in the summer time to do some off-road. I don’t know how is wheeling at this time of the year…We don't have any plan yet on what and where we will go. Is there anyone from the area with suggestions on good places to visit or stay? ; Skiing, sliding, restaurant, bars and hotel. Thank you and Happy Holidays to you all. Martin :)

Re: RE: Re: Step into the Wayback Machine with me.....

I'm of no help - haven't been out there since the 70's. Got a "bonus" son out there that we're hopin' to see this summer, so keep us posted on your trip. 'Bout all I can say is "You lucky bas*#$!!!!!
Thank you for the info and the link!!!! Look Great :D :D :D I can't wait to freeze my as.. :shock: :wink: up there :( .

RE: sorry guys (ellipses)

The only place I have been to in CO is Aspen. It was amazing. The wife and I were there over new years last year. There are 5 mtns to ski within a 5 min drive of the village and the village is amazing. So many shops and restaurants. It was definitely a unique experience.
I'm out about 3 times a year (daughter and family live in Berthoud). You didn't say where you were staying but Boulder has a lot of nice restaurants, bars and places to visit. Boulder is an upscale young town. Everybody goes to Pearl Street for shops. Estes Park (town) is pretty much closed up for the winter. About the only thing going is skiing this time of year. You could always take the ski train out to Winter Park. Cool 2-1/2 hour ride out of Denver. Visit Coors in Golden. I really like a mountain town called Nederland ("Ned") and there's a ski area up there that I go to most of the time called Eldora. No crowds and my son-in-law is an instructor there (cheap tickets). Ned is up Canyon Drive from Boulder for about 45 minutes. We've wheeled up that way but in winter I don't know. Your at about 12,000 feet and there's snow there in August.

We'll be there for the Frozen Dead Guy Days this year

Let me know,