Updating personal website sponsered by Jeepz


New member
:lol: So, I'm not new to computers, but last weekend I decided to change the layout of my jeepz website. I used the site builder option and spent two hours working on it.

All that is showing now when you go to my site is the old layout and information.

If I go to the work on my site option and chose "edit" each page shows the new layout and information. Right beside "edit" is "preview" which if I click shows the old information and layout.

Is there something I need to do to make the new layout and information take effect over the old information? I didn't see anything esle that specified so.

Thanks for any tips! This is the first time I tried to change the layout and I really like the new one If I can get it to work,

Now its a working! Wooo hooo. My mod page for this year is up. lol ONly has one thing on it but way cool. I'm glad that two hours wasn't wasted.


Yeah,next time I get out and go wheeling.I am going to take pics of the people I wheel with and their rigs.Then just link to imagestation for my jeep pics.