Unanswered Post!


New member
I was just looking around and found by chance that we have a total of 1150 unanswered post on Jeepz. I use to check in on the unanswered post about once a week and answer any I had any knowledge about, but for the past few months I have not been around like I use to. I got a real job now. hehehe but from time to time there is a post that really needs no answer unless you are in the market for or have the need for an item. So the for sale and wanted I can see no answer.

The main thing we want to watch out for is the new member that signs up and ask a question about something. I remember I got no responce to my 1st post for a long time, and almost thought well you all don't want new jeepers here and moved on. So from time to time watch the unanswered post and let folks know that you may not have an answer but you care.

I know I am preaching to the fatefull few here but if there is any of you that are slow to post dont be. This how we all learn and make new friends. I guess it is a Jeepz Public Relations promo of sorts. We have so many great folks here and a combine Jeep knowledge that Chrysler if they were smart would be asking them hard questions here rather than of their goofy think tank of over paid non jeepers.

Any hoooo I am off my soap box now and hope I have not wasted your time. tug
All I can say is, you guys on this board are great at giving advice and opinions whenever I've needed it. I appreciate the comraderie and technical know-how you all have to offer. Heck, if it weren't for this site, I'd be totally lost!
jeepmaster said:
i do my best, but i dont know much

Im with you jeepmaster. I try but i am ussually the one asking the questions. I guess this would be a good time to thank everyone for all your help. THANKS!!

I try but i am ussually the one asking the questions. I guess this would be a good time to thank everyone for all your help. THANKS!!
Yeah, I'm with you jeeprostyle. Time for a big THANKS!! to everyone. My rig's an '03, basically stock, and I keep trying to stretch the limits little by little. I'm sure one of these days I'll start breakin' things, then I can learn some more and pass it along. Jeepz RULES!!!
Had to be a Jeeper!

when i had a different schedule.. i answered a lot more than i do now... but now, when i get to the questions, they are already taken care of
I'm Back and need help

i try and answer what i can and find out what i cant so i can answer it, it only makes me more knowledgeable but helps everyone else out, im always around for the most part, high school students dont have anything to do but work on their jeeps and be on the computer or in the mountains right? heh, well anyway thanks for pointing that out tug