Tugly took a Dump!


New member
OK here is the deal Ol Tugly and I went to pick up Jason aka L33TJ33P and we were doing fine. The new starter and silinode were doing what they doo and we were motovating just fine. Jeepen weekend here at my place. Stoped to check him into his room was leaveing to come home and get some stuff done and went to start her up.

Turned the key and a hatefull growl came out of her and then nothing. No click no clack no turn of any kind from the new starter. O s I pushed her in reverse and knocked her in gear to set the starter to a new position on the flywheel and to hopefully loose anything that was stuck. Still not a spark of a start.

The amp hand jumps to the far left when I hit the key everything works wippers lights ect... Just no start. I tryed it a time or two again and then Smoke from the dash area. Have you any clues as to where to look first? Let us know or else I am going to be a rider this week end not a driver.

Could be worse I know but looking forward to getting the ol heap back up and running. There is a smile on my face and I am ging to be glad to just get to spend some time with Jeepz folks. later on thanks! tug :?

good luck, arent CJs fun!!! if all else fails u can part her out and send me her transmission!!!
Well Tug, I'm no good on mechanics but I am sorry to hear this. At least ya can ride with someone from Jeepz! Have a great weekend either way, don't let it rain on your parade too badly.

Just no start. I tryed it a time or two again and then Smoke from the dash area

Sounds like one of three posibilities:

1) The starter motor is frozen, and by continually powering a frozen motor you pull more amperage through the gauge than it can handle, thus smoke

2) There is a dead short somewhere in the starter circuit wiring

3) The ammeter has a faulty shunt (if a shunted meter), or the meter it self is old and beginning to arc when alot of current passes through it.

Either way, I'd definately check out that ammeter and consider removing it all together, as they can be very unsafe (most likely the reason why NO new vehicles are equipped with an ammeter)

good luck :mrgreen:
-Nick :!:

AX-15 issues

sounds like xjnick just about covered it... i was gonna suggest the shorted starter
I am sorry to hear about your problems tug.I dont know much of anything about starters,so no help from me.Hope you get tugly up and running for the action packed weekend ahead of you. :) Sully


Too much "worst case" thinking, me thinks.

Unless someone modified your CJ, I don't believe there is an ammeter. I believe a stock CJ-7 will have a voltmeter.

Starter current does not flow through the voltmeter nor should it This is why there are ignition key-switch remotely operated relays commonly referred to as starter relays. The heavy starter motor currents go directly from battery, through the starter relay, to solenoid and starter motor to chassis ground. (Or if one prefers, the reverse.)

The ignition switch (at the interior bottom of the steering column) merely applies +12 volts via a medium gauge wire to the actuating coil of the starter relay. Turn key, starter relay energizes, internal relay contacts close, battery gets connected directly to solenoid and starter motor.

Starter motor currents do not travel through wires in the dashboard area. If they did, you would find battery cable gauge sized wires under your dashboard. There aren't any that thick under there.

Now to troubleshooting by "divide and conquer":

(1) Jumper +12 volts directly to the same terminal of the starter relay which goes high (+12 volts) when you turn ignition key to start. A remote starter switch is handy for this. If solenoid clunks and engine cranks, the starter relay, starter motor and solenoid are OK. Go to (3), below; else, go to (2).

(2) If no clunk and no crank, disconnect the battery and use jumper cables from the Jeep battery or another battery directly to the starter and solenoid. Usually most conveniently accessed on the starter side (electrical side, not physical side.) terminals of the starter relay. If the solenoid now clunks -- good! If the starter also cranks the engine -- better! A good indication of a defective starter relay, since we have just bypassed it.

(3) Test the steering column mounted ignition switch. In my opinion, the most likely culprit. (They can generate an amazing amount of smoke when they self-immolate.) A voltmeter or test light would come in handy here. but I think when you get under the dash, your eyes and nose will tell you where the trouble lies.

If Rob, the electrician, is there, all of the above will be obvious and child's-play to him.

I hope this helps.


PS: If it turns out to be a crispy-crittered starter switch and you can't find a replacement switch, you can always disconnect the start-circut wires from the switch and tape them off. Then play car-thief and hot wire Tugly (Wolverine) under the hood and go play in the mud with the gang.

Regardless, wishing you and the gang a GREAT holiday weekend of family, friends and Jeeps.
Dang it I love this site. It went to heck in a hand basket and I had to post. Why does he post first thing you ask well I will tell you why he post cause he got friends that are the stuff when it comes to fixen the ol battle axe when it needs fixen. Thanks everyone for your support and careing. Iti is still setting at the motel just abought 500 yards from my front door and we will be on it in the morning. I am guess it is the switch on the bottom of the coloum cause that was about where the smoke came from. Thanks again and we are just waiting on the Smokeater and crew to show up now. L33 is safe in his hotel room and we are still picken up the place in wait for our friends. All is well in Erwin Tennessee tonight. God Bless you all tug
i should read more before i answer... i wasn't aware that the smoke was from the dash... which in this case would show that the problem would be in/before the relay
Build Swaybar Disco's... Repost Please!

Problem discovered but not repaired. Over night the starter motor was able to release it's self from the Flywheel. I think what happened was the starter engauged and hit the flywheel and a chip or a tooth broke off lodgeing between the starter gear and the flywheel gear causeing it to freeze up. Doday it spun the starter. I relocated the the flywheel with the rocking motion of the jeep so that it found a new spot to hit and it fired right up.

Good part I know the trouble now. Bad part it is going to require the flywheel to be replaced asap. So we will not be wheeling with the gang in tugly but we will be trailing with my friends. All is good here now and I thank you all once again for the input.

New flywheel starter clutch throw out rear main seal and a few other goodies are in my near furture. this is going to turn in to a winter long project and when it is done will have a cj to be proud of I guess. Momma tug seems to really like the ol tub so it will be her jeep. I will find me a YJ to start on in the near furture. Tug
Glad to hear you figured out tugly's problem,and I am sorry you wont be out wheeling tugly this weekend.Think of it as a good thing,at least tugly didnt break out on the trail. :) Sully