Trick Brakes on my CJ!


New member

I pulled up to a stop this weekend in my '83 CJ5, and was surprised to have my brake pedal pulled 'on' by some as-yet unknown system. I suspect that my power brake booster has blown a diaphram or something, but have never experienced anything like this.

I stepped on the brake, felt the pedal 'pulled' toward the floor, and the brakes engaged forcefully. When I removed my foot from the brake pedal, the pedal was still being pulled down.

I managed to creep home by lifting the pedal with my left foot. It was a real tug-o-war!

In the drive, I noticed that rev'ving the engine caused the pedal to displace quite a bit up/down. This leads me to suspect a blown vacuum seal in the booster.

Does anyone out there have a similar experience, or suggestions for a fix? I am about to order a new power brake booster. It would be nice to have some confidence that it will fix the problem.




wow, that sounds bad, i have manual brakes on my '5', so i dont know much bout power brakes, i would try the brake booster first, and then replacer the master cyl if that doesnt work good luck, and welcome to jeepz[addsig]

Ghoast Busters may be your best bet! sorry I know this not funny just wanted to kick you back up to the top of the page with this one. tug[addsig]

My moneys on the booster

The book shows a big ass spring inside the booster and an air control valve on the body that control the pressure you normally feel . I'd bet a new soft top that either one would cause your symptoms.

I'm no Dr. though.[addsig]


Yeah...No kiddin'! I thought about an exorcism, too...(lol) But then my analytical side kicked in, and I figured that I should recruit ideas here. This forum is a great find. I had previously participated in another group on the web, but it seemed like it didn't get enough traffic to get any suggestions or ideas on things until WAY too late.

Jeep On!



What book has the diagram? I've got a Haynes manual, but it doesn't show this view. I was wondering if I could disassemble the can, and inspect a return spring or something. The symptoms feel like the return spring has slipped, or fractured, or something now that you have described the internal components.[addsig]
Timing Question

The mystery is over!

One brand spankin' new brake booster from the local Autozone did the trick. Not only that, but the check valve holds vacuum, too! What a ride in the old rig when the engine died coming to a stop...Whoa, nelly!