Trail Patrol


New member
Have any of you heard of trail patrol? I just did the training yesterday (thats why I could not go Utah). It is kind of nice. You listen to a guy talk for 3 hours and your in. It does some good things. It is a combined BLM/Forest service thing here in Utah. All you do is watch for people doing stupid thing like cutting new trails were they are not supposed to be, or being unsafe, and suggest they not do that. You do not have to do any enforcement at all.

The benifits. Keeping trails open, you are covered by BLM/Forest service insurance while doing it, and since you are volonteering it is tax deductable. I just thought I would mention it. If any of you are interested I know they are trying to get it in other states and I could give you contact info.

Very interested in this program any way I could get more infor on who to contact and see about getting this done here in my neck of the woods. I am more than will to do my fare share to keep open and even reopen a few good trails. This area has trails gated off that could and should be in use. Shame to have em grow over and become undriveable. tug
What can you do now that you couldn't do before the 3 hour class?

Sounds like a good deal, sounds like what everybody should be doing in the first place.
Bounty that is kind of my point. Everyone should be doing this anyway so why now show our support in numbers that are documented so when an environmental extreamest starts whining like a little baby the BLM and Forest Service can say bit me we have people fixing the problems..

Here are a couple of the email addresses. They said that 15 other states were reviewing the manual from utah. These two people are probably most invoved and should be able to give you some info on who to contact.

Dale Bargholomew

Robert Uzelac