Touchy throttle when 4x4ing


New member
I noticed that when I take the hulk off road, it's a pain in the butt to drive the thing in 4x4 lo. 4x4 hi isn't too bad, but it is touchy too. When I mean a pain, I mean that it's nearly impossible to crawl with it. Is this just a 2005 Unlimited thing? If not, how do you go control the throttle when going over bumps?

Its so touchy because you have so much torque in 4low. Learn to be smooth or get a thumb throttle.
I can drive it pretty smooth on a pretty smooth surface, but when I'm going over bumps my foot keeps shifting around slightly and I keep bucking around lol. I guess it'll just take some getting used to, thanx.
I put a tighter spring on my throttle. It takes more than just a bump for my foot to press into it. I have it at the perfect tension where it's not too hard to push yet won't happen accidentally

It's a Jeep thing ya just have to get used to. I like Snotty's idea of the tighter spring. I have the same trouble in traffic when I'm putting along in 1st gear 2wd. It starts bucking, and each buck makes my foot push the throttle again, so it's a vicious cycle! I have to work at it to keep it smooth, I'm sure you'll get used to it, too.
Happens with most all wranglers when you have too much foot on the throttle. Back your foot off to where your toes are barely on the throttle and you'll get no bouncing at all.
Bounty__Hunter said:
Happens with most all wranglers when you have too much foot on the throttle. Back your foot off to where your toes are barely on the throttle and you'll get no bouncing at all.

Yo, dog, check it, I got the seat frame removed and the seat on the floor, yo, and I be sittin' all de way back, yo. I lean all the way to the middle with my head just above the dash, yo. My toes can barely see the pedal, yo, let alone touch it, yo.8) :lol:
If you can't get used to it easily, then do like Snitty mentioned and add a spring to it. You can get different ones at the autoparts store.

I was driving slowly on some real bumpy roads, normally my Jeep is bucking all over the place as I'm used to driving a Honda with much less torque. I tried using my toes to accelerate and I was able to drive it much more smoothly. Awesome tip!
try supporting your foot on the transmission hump and rolling your foot onto the throttle. also, whenever i offroad i take my boots off and put them under my seat. i just feel more in control with no shoes on.
Wade said:
try supporting your foot on the transmission hump and rolling your foot onto the throttle.

I've used this trick and it works. I always blamed the problem on my big feet.:lol:


Every time I use 4wd Low i start off in 2nd gear... works wonders. Unless you have an auto.
I do... But I was going through some bumpy snow covered roads yesterday, and the toe on the throttle works wonders.