torque cov. code po740

monk monk

New member
driving my jeep today, and lost all my gears. (auto trans 02 tj ) i pulled over waited a 20 minutes started driving same thing happened. i got a cheap code reader and it gave a po740 code torque cov clutch solenoid circuit. can anyone tell me how big of a problem i have. can i fix it or, talk it to a dealer.
You can do a preliminary check yourself for a rub through on the wiring from the trans, faulty connections from the trans and pcm. This issue could be mechanical OR electrical. As for the mechanical part of the testing, the valve body would need to be removed and the shift valves checked. The shift solenoids could be stuck as well.
thanks mikey, sounds like ah plan to me. cant spend the money at the dealer just yet. went to jeep beach in daytona with it, and towed it back. still had a blast. guess i wait around a couple days to see how many replys i can get. awsome website. first time problem for me. thanks, need all the help i can get.