TJ smell


New member
Ok, hows everyone doing? Haven't posted in awhile, still trying to get settled in, but I do need your help. The other day I drove the TJ and once I got out, I faintly smelled something like oil burning. This has happened once or twice before but I discounted it but now Im worried. I thought it may be the T-stat but all gauges read fine. Anyone have a suggestion. The engine runs fine and nothing other than the smell is out of the ordinary. Thanks, KJ

I take it you have checked the oil level and it is fine, right? Have you "read" the plugs yet to see if it is burning any oil?
I would suggest you start off by buying an engine degreaser and heading over to the local car wash, degrease the motor and transmission area. Then go for a nice drive. When you get back start off looking for oil leaks.

Also , though I am not sure of the year of your jeep but your PVC valve?