TJ as a daily driver...?


New member
Hey gang, Im oh so close to buying my first TJ (and my first new-vehicle... '04 X or SPORT, black). What Im looking for are are your opinions on the TJ as a daily-driver. Is it safe, your experiences, comments, opinions, that kind of thing. Since Im not sure on the X or the SPORT yet (need to keep costs down) I dont know if I'll have 4-wheel disc brakes (SPORT) or front-dsic, rear-drum (X). Will this be a concern on the highway? I wont see much offroad at all so she will basically be a street Jeep... I dont have a big commute so thats not a concern, farthest trips will probabaly be about 40 miles one way...

31" BFG A/T, automatic, 3.73



I'v got an TJ (2003) X Freedom 4.0, manual - no mods...I drive 20-30 miles a day. I have a wicked short commute. I have put a siht load of miles on it, almost 7000 since Aug. I bought it new also. Oh, mines black too. It always looks dirty, and scratches show wicked bad, but thats not what your asking.

My opinion on a TJ as a daily driver. Isn't that what they were made for? It drives sweet, like a new car. Only it's better, it's a Jeep. I took it almost 7 hours to PA, with soft top, and it wasn't bad. Cumfy.
Well mines the daily driver in the winter...since I ride my bike during the summer.
Its the weekend warrior who takes me through the wilds of Utah.
With 4 inches of lift and 35 inch tires its a pleasant ride into work and back 28.3 miles round trip.

I drive my lifted YJ from Baltimore to DC and back every day and love it, you'll be in heaven a TJ!

Snitty, DER! What was I thinking! :shock: Does that count as blasphemy?
Questions about a body lift

My biggest complaint when daily driving my TJ was the lack of power in the 4cyl models. It seems you are going with the 6 cyl. so you should be good there. Other than the soft top is too loud to talk on the cell when going 65+ and you cant really have a conversation with the girlfriend at highway speeds (good or bad your choice) I loved my TJ and if it was the 6cyl model I would probably still have it now.
I think you'll be alright laura, we're lucky that this section of the universe has a pretty easy going group of jeep gods