Tired of the 33's allready


New member

I've had the 33's on for over a month now, and have grown tired of them, so...............I've decided to go for this look....Sanford & Son rims with two types of 30 " tires.


Actually, I need to get inspection this month, and the great state of PA (HAH) has JUST changed the rules...no longer may tires stick out beyond body parts on standard vehicle...which means that bigger flares than stock, or flare extensions are not considered stock...something to think about for all you PA'ers out there considering a wider tire.
I had to get some rims and tires from a friend who ran into the same problem, remove my 33's
I am having the Jeep inspected tomorrow, and will have the 33's back on by noon. Total pain in the butt.

Just thought I'd warn y'all.

Rob :p :cool: :)

edited by: PASmokeater, Jul 18, 2003 - 03:59 PM[addsig]


Thank goodness old Texas isn't like that YET...
thanks for the heads up ...atleast it was a easy
fix... :-D [addsig]

bummer.... i can see sticking out past th flares being a problem but bigger flares should be enough to fix it... leave it to the beaurocrats...


i love having the old "pull in and get a sticker slapped on" mechanics around here...

"it wasn't like that when you were here"[addsig]


Sorry to hear that PA...Utah has a simular law but the good ole boys down at the state inspection place dont know there arse from three inch extended jeep flares so I squeek by there...but they have a stupid law that says you have to have 1/2 of your rear tire diameter covered by a mud flap...the factory one looks good on mine so I wear it all the time...but here is the kicker...I throw rocks better than some semi's since it is a proven fact that rock's launched by a tire gets extracted from 1/3 or less the diameter off the road. Stupid Utahians...lol[addsig]

There is no way in hell Texas would ever have a law like that. There's WAAAAY too many trucks around here for that to happen! GUARANTEED!!! Not to mention that there's plenty of "drive in and slap the sticker on" places around here to. As long as you can honk the horn, you're good to go! :-D [addsig]


Yet another reason to move to good ol Tennessee pal. We shipped you a package today via the US Postal Service. heheheheh Tug[addsig]

Ahhh, the "Sanford and Son look"....look for it in Quadratec!! :-D

PS - the mods turned out great Rob![addsig]


Yup Yup quinters where have you been. Missed you up here in Tennessee. Maybe next time. Tug[addsig]

Hey! I'm back like VD!! Just kidding! :-O :-D Had a rough go of it lately, but I'm making my way back to some of the important things in my life...you know, Jeepin and you guys! Patti [addsig]


Ya know, I would deal with the old rims and just spraypaint them black if they were just 15X8 :-([addsig]


i painted mine a few months ago w/ black primer.... just clean em real good, and ru em down w/ a little steel wool[addsig]

Well, I finally got the Pit back...It's only 8:30 pm (after being promised it would be ready by noon).

I do have the new stickers, everything passed with flying colors, and the mechanic said he was amazed at the condition of everything due to the extreme driving the Jeep sees. He than asked who my Mechanic was, and I told him I do all of the maintanence myself. He warned me that I should be carefull, since there are alot of parts in there that only a trained profesional should play with. I guess I should head his advise, and from now on take it to him for a 100 $ fluid change LOL

After my lecture, I went to pay up, and had my 75 $ ready (the cost the state steals from us every year). I was a little taken back when told the bill was 123 $. When I asked why it was higher, I was told that they broke three studs while removing the one tire. Not only did the studs break, but the nuts were also stripped. So they had to replace three studs, and three lug nuts. Total cost including labor, 70 $.
Alright, I asked why I had to pay, since they broke the studs, and was told that since I hadn't put anti-seize on the studs, and rust had developed behind the sealed nuts, I was at fault for the studs becoming cross threaded, and had to pay.
I wasn't going to argue, at this point they were already 7 hours late with the Jeep, so I payed, brought the Pit home and proceded to change the tires back to the 33's.
While taking the rear tire off, I noticed that the lug nuts they put on were the cheap two piece jobs that I hate so much. ecor had hooked me up with the one piece nuts, so now I have to go out and buy a set of one piece nuts to replace the cheap pieces of crap they put on.

Just venting, and the sad part of it is, if I'm not in Tenn by then, I'll have to do it all again next year....I hate PA.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]


Here in Oklahoma they gave up on state inspection about two years ago. They said they were lozin' money on it........if I remember right it was around five bucks. Car tags went down also. :p [addsig]