The Geolander MT(or whatever it's called) seems to work pretty good for what it is, but I don't know about those ATs :?
Buy some cheap bubblegum MTs and try them out. You'll never go back to ATs on a Jeep that you plan to use offroad. Make sure your alignment is good, and pay attention to the air pressure and you will avoid most of the horror stories you hear about MTs on a DD.
I don't even consider most MTs to really be MTs. What most companies label "MT" would best be described as All Terrain, and the current ATs should be renamed to something more fitting of their performance(like grass terrain). If you've ever had a set of Boggers, TSLs, Denmans, classic Buckshots,'ll have a hard time considering any of the generic type "MTs" to actually be MUD terrains.