judge09 said:
I knew a dumb-a$$ in college know was on his 4th DUI pending. Appartently he was able to rack up 4 of them within a couple months before any went to court. I still stand by the need for alternative programs to educate not lawsuits.

I agree, but I don't know how much education is going to help some people. Some of them need to be educated with the flat side of an ax upside their head.
RE: Chat NOW...9 Pm MST

I got s 20 year old kid yesterday for DUI at 3:30 pm. The student teacher was speeding and i was working a stadning radar post. I flagged him over and when i approached him he fled in his vehicle. as though i couldn't get into my running car. I chased him for 5 minutes before he stopped and gave up. Now he is a 2 time DUI offender and this was a 3rd offense. To think he wants to be a teacher and could teach my kid is even scarier. What wisdom and intelligence there.

RE: This is FUN!!! Try IT!

Just had an accident in Wichita the other night where a guy slammed his Porsche into the back of another car and caused a 3 car pile-up, killing a 23 y/o girl and critically injuring her husband of 5 months. They were trapped in the burning car. The driver of the Porsche has two prior convictions for DUI, several speeding citations, and was just recently acquitted of DUI on his third arrest. Should we sue the lawyer who got him off on his last DUI arrest for enabling him to continue to drink and drive when it's obvious by his history that he's a danger?
RE: Multiposter!

Sparky-Watts said:
Just had an accident in Wichita the other night where a guy slammed his Porsche into the back of another car and caused a 3 car pile-up, killing a 23 y/o girl and critically injuring her husband of 5 months. They were trapped in the burning car. The driver of the Porsche has two prior convictions for DUI, several speeding citations, and was just recently acquitted of DUI on his third arrest. Should we sue the lawyer who got him off on his last DUI arrest for enabling him to continue to drink and drive when it's obvious by his history that he's a danger?

Actually, maybe we should sue the caveman who invented fire since that's obviously what killed her. It wasn't the drunk driver.

Sparky-Watts said:
jumppr said:
Sparky-Watts said:
Heard on the news tonight that "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" is now being used as a scapegoat in the murder of 3 cops by a teenager.....where does it end?

I don't believe that they should hold the video games totally responsible for this. For the most part it should be the parents and the values they instilled in their children that are to blame here. I've seen commercials for that game on t.v. and every time I see it I'm almost disgusted. I think it really sends the wrong message to kids. That message being "it's no big deal to steal a car and kill people to get away with". I for one will never let my children play those games, if any at all. I grew up playing Frogger and Pac-Man and it never gave me the idea to kill someone. Society is truly going to hell I think. One day not too long from now I think the earth is just going to implode.

Sorry....didn't mean to get off on a rant. :shock:

Yeah, but I grew up watching westerns and other shows where there was at least one person killed per episode, I played with toy guns, and pretended to shoot my friends as we played, yet still I don't have any desire to go out and commit murder. Why? Because despite the amount of violence and death I see on TV, in the movies, in video games, and yes, even in the Bible, I know it is wrong. And you can't tell me this kid didn't know the difference between right and wrong. He just didn't care. Most likely, he'd have killed someone whether he'd played video games or not. Society has got to stop finding scapegoats for their own faults! You can shelter your kids all you want from the violence and death around them, but if they're of the mindset to do harm, they amount of Disney movies or "family friendly" programming will ever stop that. What did they blame murders and violence on before the invention of movies and video games? Murder is the oldest crime on record.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people....same thing goes for video games and beer vendors.

I JUST got done playing some San Andreas on my PlayStation. Now, I feel urged to go buy a mocha at Starbucks, then jack a car and kill some people. I can't wait. I'll keep you all posted.
RE: Re: transmission

I love San Andreas...especially when you can take you character in for a haircut and new clothes....hilarious! I have only played a couple times.
judge09 said:
I love San Andreas...especially when you can take you character in for a haircut and new clothes....hilarious! I have only played a couple times.

And then can you kill the barber and maim the tailor? I love doing that in real life.....well, I can do it in the game, why not in real life? They're the same, aren't they?

Sparky-Watts said:
..........Should we sue the lawyer who got him off on his last DUI arrest for enabling him to continue to drink and drive when it's obvious by his history that he's a danger?

"First, kill all the lawyers"

(Probably not an exact quote - hillbilly version - but he wrote something like that........pretty good idea if you ask me!)
I don't know if I've said it before, but I'm pretty sure this planet is heading for implosion. Or something else real bad.

Alright. I pillaged the women and raped the village! And all because I watched "Juice" and "Boyz n' the Hood." Y'see, people are unable to discern between reality and fantasy, and I'm no exception.
Re: RE: Back to Virginia

mingez said:
Alright. I pillaged the women and raped the village! And all because I watched "Juice" and "Boyz n' the Hood." Y'see, people are unable to discern between reality and fantasy, and I'm no exception.

Funny, that's just what Jessica told me last night as the reason she left you for me! :shock: