Thinking about buying a Jeep

So i've been shopping around for jeeps today online at work. I have found several from 2001-2003 that may work. Models are X, Sport and Sahara. Some already have lift kits some don't.

Anyways I came across a 2003 Wrangler Rubicon for $9500. Catch is it has a branded title. I don't know why exactly the title is branded and I will find out tomorrow but i'm curious if any of you would touch this vehicle?
I saw a picture of it and it looks good. And I would pay for the thing in cash so no financing needed.
archer75 said:
Anyways I came across a 2003 Wrangler Rubicon for $9500. Catch is it has a branded title. I don't know why exactly the title is branded and I will find out tomorrow but i'm curious if any of you would touch this vehicle?
I saw a picture of it and it looks good. And I would pay for the thing in cash so no financing needed.

Really depends on why it's branded. If it was a wreck/rebuild and had a bent or broken frame, I personally wouldn't touch it. Even though it's possible to straighten a frame back to original specs, once it's bent, it's weakened. That becomes an issue with durability, but more importantly with safety. A straightened frame will not react the same way in a crash, meaning it could crumple more or in a different direction causing more serious injuries to the occupants.

However, if it's branded because it was flooded, then that's a different story. Just hope the guys from Myth Busters didn't put a dead pig in it for 3 months.:lol:

So would you buy it if it was damaged in a flood but the engine runs good and show no signs of corrosion? For $9500?
#E!! no,well take off the door panels and try to find out how high the water really got.if it reached the motor,they probably drained it,flushed it and are trying to put a fu(ING on you.i just dont think i would do it.maybe 2 grand.

archer75 said:
So would you buy it if it was damaged in a flood but the engine runs good and show no signs of corrosion? For $9500?
Check it for rust around seams(body and frame), look at any fluid you can access. Particularly the oil, coolant. If it looks good take it out and run it - hard. Look it all over again.

If you don''t see rust, it runs smooth and quiet... I'd think that a Rubi for under $10000 is a steal, tainted title or not.
TwistedCopper said:
...........................If you don''t see rust, it runs smooth and quiet... I'd think that a Rubi for under $10000 is a steal, tainted title or not.

I'll second that!