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Well the jeep is gettin to 210-215 pretty fast and its not even summer time yet, so im guessin its time to get a new thermostat and flush the coolant, BUT... what temp thermostat do i put in her, i live in eastern north carolina, summer the days are 90+ plus and it will be mostly city driving, what do yall reccomend i put in there, 160, 180, 190/195 or 210+ i dont know what to put in, thanks for the help

97 cherokee country 130,000 miles

edited by: thomasw, Mar 13, 2003 - 09:38 PM[addsig]


I have a 195 and never had overheating problems from it, the only time I had a prob was when I had a broken fan wire.[addsig]

The factory manual calls for a 195-degree thermostat. Some play around with different openings and for different applications there’s reasoning but it's safer to go with the engineers.[addsig]

Yeah, I noticed that some people posted that they put in a 180 degree and it seemed to make theirs run considerably cooler, what does this difference in temperatures have to do with anything, is that temp the temp the thermostat opens up or something?[addsig]


I would check to make sure that your fans are working properly and also have your system flushed, then if you still have problems you could try switching in a different t-stat. I know guys that have LS1
F-bodys that switch in 160's so their engines run cooler. But thats for racing, but the theory that an engine makes more power at cooler temps still applies to a daily driver. [addsig]

along the same lines here, i just got this jeep about a month ago, it was one owner, an older guy who used it for highway driving, it was babied though, but something that strikes me as odd is that if i turn on defrost or pretty much any heat setting on, the electic fan kicks on and off like crazy, it drives me crazy to listen to it idle BZZZZZZZ off.....BZZZZZZ...offf this isnt normal to me, cause i also have a 01 cherokee and it dont go it, or my 87 wrangler im thinkin about tryin the 180 degree though see what happens[addsig]

if you can pull whats in it now and go down 1 or 2. if original its probably a 195 in it. try a 180 or a 160 if you do any towing, use a/c alot, or lots of high rpm offroading. if this don't work for you then it may be time for a new water pump and you may want to put a Flowkooler high-flow water pump in it. I heard many good reviews on these and they are rated the best flowing pumps out there, you can check them out here >>

Let us know how you make out.



ill try those ideas..thanks... im going to go way off topic here but this has been buggin me... ok in the 01 cherokee of mine, when i give it gas hard but not floorin, ya know... well it creeps up to a little over 3k rpm, but never have i even seen the thing go to 4k rpm even floorin it. well its a different story with the 97, i give that thing some gas and it goes straight to 4k rpm and its drivin me insane, i dont want it to do this at all. any ideas/fixes/comments?[addsig]

yeah, i have a 180* thermostat... and it works well for me. doesn't get above 155* when moving. stays below 210 when i'm sitting... it has creeped up a little above 210 tho so i think a new fan clutch is in order for me.[addsig]

ok, how exactly do i go about replacing the thermostat, i know where it is, (in the thermostat housing, wihtt he two hoses on it) and i know how to take it off, but im worried that alot of coolants going to come out of the block and im going to end up wiht a pocket of air in there when ive replaced the thermostat, is this gonna happen,? thanks[addsig]


The wifes XJ has a defrost setting (little picture with a windshield and waves) this setting turns on the air conditioner as a heat pump (pretty much instant heat) used to defrost the windows in the first few miles of driving. It will turn on the elctric fan pretty much everytime the AC compressor turns on. Sure will mess with your gas muileage if left on continiously.
I´ve replaced the thermostat witn a 180 in just about every vehicle I´ve owned. But something to keep in mind, is a few I´ve had to change back to pass the smog test (makes enough difference to pass or fail sometimes).
If you change, be careful how the end of the thermostat, with the brace, is setting when you retighten, it can be crushed in certain positions.
One thing overlooked, is the outside of the radiator, between the fins, is often full of dust and pollen. I wash mine out periodically with a pressure washer (carefully) keeping in mind not to flatten the fins. You´d be surprised how much crude comes out of there, that can´t really be seen from the front. I´ve also found washing from the inside out works better (for removing trash), though it is hard to reach all parts of the radiator and removal of some parts may be required. [addsig]

replacing the thermostat>>
Drain radiator into clean drain pan.
Remove hose from water pump gooseneck
unbolt water pump gooseneck
pull out old thermostat
scrap any old gasket material or sealant from water pump and gooseneck
put new gasket on , hold it on with a lil gasket sealant
put new thermostat in with copper tipped end facing block
bolt on gooseneck
hook up hoses
fill radiator, run for a couple minutes with cap off radiator and top off with more antifreeze.

pockets of air, you don't have to worry about, just let it run and fill it up again all air will come right out. theres always a little coolant that will spill from block and hoses so have a little antifreeze or water on hand to top it off with when all done. Be sure to get a new
gasket with the thermostat and some sealant.

simple job takes me 20 mins tops.

1059822 to say defog mode the heater supplies the heat.. the a/c does the dehumidifying...On the t/ a stocker...195 degrees...yah just have to remember it's supposed to run kinda warm...all "modern" engines run hotter than the old days...keeps the clearances where they belong...and a engine is heat driven most of the energy from your fuel goes out the engine running at 190 makes more power than one run at 160 (all else equal) because less of the heat is wasted...if it runs abnormally hot there is another problem.....



I've had it before where you take off you orginal one, and got to put a 195 or 210 on , and it does not fit the same. Someonr told me, that some of them have a rubber gasket that fits onto the thermosts. So I tried it, and it worked fine.[addsig]

ok this will be the last question of this thread...ive heard so many different stories of how to succsesfully flush your radiator from people i know, but i dont just want to do it out on a whim and mess it heres the thing ill be replacing the o.e. 195 t/stat with a stant superstat 180 well in the process might as well flush her, im sure its been a long time since someone flushed it..anyhow, from the point of letting it cool and replacing the t/stat now how do i completely flush my system with new coolant thanks so much guys[addsig]