The state of Jeepz


New member
I have been thinking about this for some time, but it started after Josh died. When we all found out what had happend to him we all came together to support his family and friends, but since that point this site has not been the same since in my opinon. I know every where there are arguments but for a site this small it has gotten out of hand in my view. One of the problems is the moderators (or lack there of) we basicly have one mod that controls all the decisions weather they be good or bad. If things dont come around i guess i will be forced to go the way of l33j33p and what josh was talking about before his accident.

i think its the weather up here in the Northeast, frikin cold, snowy and making me pissey, but i can't speak for everyone else. its just that time of year people have a lot of things going on right now. i too hope that things get ironed out cause i really enjoy this site and the things that it has to offer.
I for one am glad Bounty was added as a moderator. Here lately I haven't even had time to think muchless moderate the board, and I apologize for that. Now that thing are quieting down for me, I can spend more time here that I have in the past month or so.
One of the problems is the moderators (or lack there of) we basicly have one mod that controls all the decisions weather they be good or bad

Sorry, I COMPLETELY Disagree with that statement.

As a Moderator of, I spend at least an hour on this site Every day reading the posts and trying to help out others the best I can (and I enjoy it!). I feel this is probably a common goal of all the Moderators here. Each of us is designated to moderate a section of this message board. We do not have moderating powers in every forum section, but only in the forum section(s) we selected to moderate. We do however communicate with each other to help make decisions about keeping this board clean and orgainzed. So your implying that only one person is responsible for the moderating of this board is not correct. :shock:

Now, back to the subject we all know and love... Jeeps :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

ok. im sorry, but you control the XJ (and do a fine job) but the xj section is small compared to the cj/yj/ty and gen chat. pasmoke isnt here much, and raven isnt here either very much that leaves bounty, tug is also a mod but only in fs/wanted events.... when i said that i meant where 95% of the topics are posted
urban camo

I haven't been too involved in the current discussions that some may refer to as "arguments", and some are just that... though, i do see that many people fail to realize that we are all individuals, with seperate minds, and that we will not agree on everything. I love the fact that there are people here who do not agree with my every opinion. It gives me a chance to discuss different views on different topics. If we all knew the same things, had the same exact interests, shared the same opinions, and basically had the same minds, then we would all drive the same jeeps, live the same lifestyles, and would hever have a reason to ask any questions or discuss any topics, it would be like logging onto a forum to talk to yourself, or like writing in a personal diary, and actually replying to it (no offense if anyone actually does reply to entries in a personal diary)... there is no purpose for a board filled with people from all over the world, with all different views, attitudes, interests, methods, answers and lifestyles if we could not discuss such differences.

Now I do see that there are limits in such discussions, and those limits come when someone is attacked personally. Though, there is a difference between a criticism, and an attack. For example... if someone states that they don't like the way you do something, or that they don't agree with your view, the way you conduct yourself, or don't agree with a decision you made... that is a criticism... which simply means that they are stating an alternate opinion, which is totally fine. Though if someone intends to insult any one member personally, not by personal opinion, but by calling a person on something with intention of lowering their esteem, or feeling of value, that is an attack. It is quite important to realize that the two are completely different. There have been some things said to me, or maybe even something that had nothing to do with me, that I could have taken personally, and felt that I could have taken a defensive position over... but since we are all individuals, and I don't expect EVERY person here to know my limits, and what may hurt me. And if there IS something I feel attacked by or threatened by, I don't automatically assume an attack, I will first make the assumption of a simple misunderstanding. Now I am not saying that I have wings and a halo, but I have found in the network of people I associate with, that includes every person I have ever dealt with, on any level, that an attempt for an understanding is much more beneficial than an attempt for a defensive retaliation.

Maybe I just typed a billion words of nonsense to some of you... but if it DID make any sense at all, what I hoped to get across is that I don't believe this board has gone downhill at all. Though controversial at times, I believe it makes for interesting topics here and there. Of course there are the useless, pointless, and total waste of time threads and posts... I believe most people here have contributed to at least one... I'm guilty myself of posting a stupid or lame reply now and then. It is not always a bad thing. Sarcasm and humor are an important part in our interaction, to show that we do NOT mean wrong to people. And when sarcasm/humor, or an innocent opinionated criticism is taken the wrong way, it is important to try and understand the lightness of the attitude, and that it is not meant as an attack.

Without sarcasm, I think life would be lame... but then, that is MY opinion, and if someone doesn't agree with that, PLEASE speak up, I ENJOY knowing that people are able to think differently. If you notice that you are bothered because of a misunderstanding or because of sarcasm, and are unsure if it was directed to hurt you... there is a simple way to find out... ASK... a simple "what do you mean by that?" can eliminate an argument way before the pre-stages even begin...

I personally don't see anything wrong with what most people consider to be "arguing"... it is a practice of communication between different individuals. If we all understand that our views ARE different, then that "arguing" can be an informative discussion. I think this board is doing great, and can be doing even much better if we can all accept our differences... if you don't understand a view, topic, idea, concept, then you will never understand it if you do not ask... and that is just what boards like this are put together for... to communicate... so let's please do so... the key to us all getting along is communication

(I hope I made SOME sort of sense)
far_right, if you feel I'm doing anything wrong, overstepping my boundaries, or there's something I can do better, please contact me directly. If you're right, then the board stands to benefit.

I disagree with you and think this board has not taken a downward spiral. But each of us view it differently.

It hurts that you bring up my relationship with Josh, what he and I had between each other was just that, between he and I. We were straight with each other and settled all misunderstandings, and moved on.

I don't know why a certain minority here believes that I'm a cause of so many problems. There is little to no moderation that is done around here and it's due entirely to having a great membership that doesn't need it, 99% of the time. Then the 1% when action is taken I get dumped on from several directions. I don't get paid to help here, but I do it to offer something back to a board I think is worth it.

im not critizicing (sp) you, i am saying that there are not enough mods that are active (you really being the only one at this point), so that when something does go wrong there can be more than one person controling it
Okay, thanks. Luckily this site has required very little moderating, and that can only be attributed to the great membership that is here. There are trolls that stick there head in now and again looking to stir things up and generally wreak havoc, and an occasional link to something that is less than family oriented. That's about it. Everything else pretty much takes care of itself.

Remember that mods and members belong here together, and feedback is important. I recommend taking something to PM's if you question why something was deleted/moved/locked etc. It can be explained and hopefully an understanding will be reached. Then if it's a misunderstanding or mistake, things can be corrected without affecting the moral of the site as a whole.

I will never delete or lock something without also sending the posting member a courtesy PM, I just don't believe in blindly deleting. Just trust that I will do the best I can for and never for my own benefit.

The mods have a way of communicating with each other, so if something goes unchecked in their forum they can be given a heads-up. I think the bases are covered.


EDIT: i was going to delete the thread but cant do it... :shock:
Wait a minute, wait a minute!!!! First, I'd like to say that I see nothing wrong with the way things are run around here, and you should get a clue far_right (just trying to start drama for ya man, no offense :D )

Second, everyone is saying to get off the subject, and talk Jeep. Well this is the General Chat section, so we don't have to just talk Jeep now do we. (again with the drama starting crap, tee hee :D )
Whats the problem with the site? I always thought that the moderators job was to delete things that should not be on the site (ex porn, harsh language, discrimination etc..) As for the "arguing, if it bothers you, skip that thread! (Not aimed at one person rather a general statement) I love this place, if I didn't I would not contribute as much as I do, but it is just a web site all the same.

First to say I am a poor moderator due to my easy going nature. I have no need to power trip or offer border line actions when the infraction is slight at best. Why moderate a tiny thing like bla bla bla!

I raise big strong teenage boys, brothers and they fight and quibble over the slightest hard look at each other. I have come to the point in life that I let em! I let em do anything that they darn well want to as long as no one gets hurt in the process.

I read every post here and was just PMed by some one that told me I should not read anything that does not interest me. Well duh you know who you are I am a moderator here and feel it my place to read them all. If I do not crack the whip and roar like a lion enough take my pay check and kick me hard.

Just give the word and I will delete and split and pm and raise all sorts of hell. Just ask my boys I can be a jerk like no bodys business. But get a grip folks this is not national security here it is a place set by good natured kind hearted jeeper folks for jeep minded folks to get and give info make friends and seems enemys on line cause we got to much free time.

As for the state of the board I say "Busy" Big changes in the past year! I am just glad the members are getting past the top ten questions around here. You know what tires do i buy, what lift do I buy, why dont my gas gauge work, you know the rest.

There has been a bunch of deep thought out questions ask and answered here over the past few months. Members with out a clue have become more than helpfull insightful founts of knowledge.

The only bad part of the state is the clickish little gorups that have become sides to the wars as small as they are. Worse than a baptist church around here. I am a baptist so no one get all knoted up over that statement. Trips have been planed and held and everyone involved have been the better for it.

I do call down the bad language and call the trouble makers if they get out of hand to much. I have learned that the fight is all the trouble makers are after when they start. If they get ignored they dry up and leave.

Moderators yes it is your job to moderate! do so with a satin touch and not an iron glove. Do not take this high paying job to serious. I think prior to every action "is this really going to save the world if I take control here." So I do much less than I could and maybe even should!

I hate to have to use disclaimers with every statement that I come up with here, but it is a must if you speak your mind! So here is mine, I have not said anything about any moderators actions or members here in this statement good bad or indifferent. So please if any here gets their toes stepped on sorry I was aiming for your hearts. hehehe

Final words from a silly old guy that has no business even preaching on this soap box anyway. Take this site and any other site you visit as no more than a TV channel. If you do not like what is on change the channel. Check back tomorow and maybe you will be happy with what is on then. Don't be anal over the small things like a is it to big is it to small is it to anything for that matter. Is someone being hurt by what I find if not leave it alone. He said and she said and he was right and she can't say that to my friends and I will show her and if he! All grade school goofyness. Take a laxitive! It is just cyber space sillyness and will never amount to a hill of beans anyway.

My poor ol mom would say Danny never take yourself to serious, It will only make you look silly! This was good advice and I now offer it to all that feel they may need it! tug
Good words, good advice! That was a heck of a rant there, Tug! Hey did you ever see what happened to your old YJ (I remember you saying you saw it for sale)?
Last Chance Canyon PICS

Yup it is still for sale but with senior proms, graduation, Football banquets, School trips, coming up in the spring and my oldest son Will getting ready for the military or college or what ever he finaly makes his mind up to do in the spring, Still have two house guest PASmokeater and his daughter living here, now going on the 5th week there is no big buys for me now or in the near future. I have given parting out the ugly ol tugly jeep on eBay to make a down payment. hehehehe and starting a "buy back Jeeabell for poor ol tug fund" LoL but I guess I shall just chill my glimmering thoughts of grandure and wait it out. Money could buy a dream back again but the dream is still an extra money thing away. Ol tug can set on the back burners for a while, Others are ahead of my wants in life. Thanks for asking though! tug

4.0l to 258 swap

I for one would like to say that because I'm not an old timer, I don't know what the "Good 'ol days" were like. But for the short time I have been on the site, I have gotten such wonderful advice.

Thus, in my opinion, the site is NOT going down hill.

Also, I want to say that I don't see anything wrong with how the Mod's are working things around here. BUT, I do think that we must consider somethings in terms of the subject matter.

I myself, am VERY newbie in terms of experience etc. I love to 4 wheel, I enjoy tinkering (what little I can do) but the experience of learning from all of you is very valuable to me. And I understand the attitude of some who dislike the General Chat subject matter as of late.
But you must understand, we newbies sometimes can only participate in the General Chat section. I desire to be a part of this community as much as the rest of you, however, truth be told I have less to offer reguarding tech issues. Thus, I find a lot of comradery in the Gen Chat section. I may have been a one of the biggest contributors to the Boston dictionary/ states/ nonjeep topics threads etc, but how else can I get to know you folks? Im not about to tell BH, Tug, Dingus, Jason, Sully etc how to fix their jeep!

So please, don't be so hard on the folks who enjoy chatting in the Gen Chat area. The description of the section reads "If it doesn't fit anywhere else, post it here" and I think subjects like Boston and NY rivalries, Boston Dictionary, age roll call, etc. are quite fitting to the section. It adds insight to all of our amigos.

Why should we chat about non-jeep issues some of you may ask? The answer is because the site transcends JUST facilitating a place to get good jeep advice. It's a community of people who are like-minded in there hobby, and I for one consider you all my friends... even Moabe... Just kidding bro! :D you're cool.

Besides, I value the opinions of Jeep owners on all subjects much more than non-jeep owners.

Let's get past this, and get back to talking jeeps. Unless of course, you want to talk about NON-jeep issues in the Gen Chat area. Hee hee. :wink: