The 2012 Chrysler and Fiat Super Bowl Ads


Staff member
For those who missed them, here are the ads that Chrysler / Fiat ran during the superbowl:

Chrysler spent $10 million on two minutes of advertising during the 2012 Super Bowl (Giants vs Patriots). Rather than advertising any specific car, or even a brand, they essentially focused on an uplifting, patriotic message, designed presumably to reinforce the company’s American roots, resurgence, and health.

Fiat’s “Seduction” ad, featuring Catrinel Menghia and Matthew Rocheleau, aired during the 2012 NFL Championship Game. The ad, which has already aired on VH1 and generated a huge volume of hits on YouTube, has generated its own buzz and was considered possibly too racy for broadcast television.

I personally think those are two great commercials.
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dang i gotta say thats money well spent an in that commercial, that fiat sounded just plain mean lol