Thanks for Everyones input.... I bought it!


New member
Hello all.... Thanks to all who answered my questions. I went an took the plunge yesterday and bought the 95 Wrangler I was looking at. My neighbor already offered to take me out in the mud (he is more excited than I am.... well... maybe not that excited). This is the Jeep I bought (has a black hard top on it now)...

Sorry Tug... I am sure you like the color.... but its going to be changed.
Again thanks all.... Hopefully I will be able to help and be helped here.

Mr Chubby Hubby
Don't change nothing it looks tough as I don't know what. Great looking YJ, Get out there and get it muddy now. Tug
Thanks.... the link/pic is an old one from the previous owner. I think it was a couple of years ago. I am itching to get it muddy...
Hey congrats and welcome to the world of Jeeps :) That is a damn good looking rig. The camo paint job is one of the best I've ever lad eyes on, sure u want to change it?
Congrats, here's another vote for keeping the camo. Hey, what happened to that half top, you still got it???
keep it cool, keep it camo. killer YJ there chubby one. i've always figured that when my paint job goes to the chapter eternal that i would seek an art student to perform on the "canvas" jeep. the student could use the vehicle for their portfolio and i could use the original paint job. preferably a bisexual female artist since you're probably inquiring about the paint job.

I wouldnt change it either, even being a girl I love that camo. Like the guys said, that is one killer paint job! Way to go on your purchase man!

But if you leave it camo... you might want to put a 15 ft antenna with a red flag on the top so you can find it after wheeling. 8)

Moab needs your help

Dang it. . . . I REALLY want my TJ Camoed. What do you think that would do to my Re-sale Value :) WHOO CARES I don't think I will ever get rid of her.
L33TJ33P said:
Dang it. . . . I REALLY want my TJ Camoed. What do you think that would do to my Re-sale Value :) WHOO CARES I don't think I will ever get rid of her.

Just do it, that would make more sence than any other color in the world if you plan to use your jeep.

Oh heck someone keyed my Jeep! What will I do now! duh!!!!! Stop onthe way home and get a can of what ever color you need at wall mart.

Oh My I just ran into a rather large rock and scraped my paint on the trail!!! What ever will I do!!! Wallmart! hehehehe

I loves me some Camo looks tough, freaks out the Lincoln and Cattie crowd, No one messes with acamo jeep in the mall lot, and when the seasons change you can change right along if you wish. hehe Tug
Well, Mr Chubby Hubby, If not camo i think that a dark green would look really good on that Jeep. It's mostly green now from what I can tell. Good luck on the decision.

Killer YJ - man thats a nice rig!! Just curious what size tires are on there? Look tall and skinny...

Those tires I believe are Q78-15 's.... Which correct me if I am wrong is the old tire measuring system... I think they translate to 35.5's. They are Gateway Buck Shot mudders.... Are they any good????? Also when I bought it it came with a set of BF Goodrich 33x12.50 - 15's. on rims. I am looking to put them on soon. I am sure it will drive better on the road.