test run down to Moab


Super Moderator
Well the rain scared them off and the trip was replanned for next weekend.
So my son Alan and I decided to do some wheeling in our own back yard... American fork Canyon is less then 25 minutes drive from my front door.

Off we went and the sun decided to cooperate and we had a great day finding trails to Midway across the wasatch mountain range we put 50 miles on ole Hollowseve all of it on rock trails.
A quick trip up Mineral basin to warm us up and a perfect change to grab a few photo's

Ok here I am showing off my TJ

Well I couldnt resist and doing the famus J Higgin's pose

And well my spotter (JAFO) Alan

All in all a good day to do some wheelin

you love the big huge TJ
dontcha...... 8).....ooh and great pics
That is actually the PASmokeater pose.Some day I will have the flex to do the "infamous" PASmokeater pose. jk
Putting in power brakes (how to cut and mend a brake line)

Looks like you had a blast, I need to take a trip out there to the western side of the country and give the wheelin a chance!!

Hey nice pics Utah_jeepster, I guess I am going to have to copy write my pic pose....hehehehehe :D :D :D :D :D :D

Now wait a minute here PA.. yours is a double pose while J's is a singel.. . so that makes it J's pose

ok PA I will give you that copy right.. but from mine and J's you can see we are not gutter trash sitting in the dirt...just good ple boys squating next to ours....LOL
YO PA gott cha!

Save it PA.. its old...and it dates you ...and you really dont want that to happen...hehehehehehehehe
Hmmmmmmmm Ok Utah we need someone that doesn't mind sitting in the dirt and long rides in the middle of no-where, and OH YA SOme One that wants to pose like us but can't figure it out.....hehehehehehehehe :D :D :D :D

PASmokeater said:
Utah..... I AM old, and I could USE a date..know anyone ?

Well if Number one wife doesnt mind Rob I can set you up with number 2 and 3, 4 and maybe even 5.. this is Utah you know...lol
Let's ALL take a break and realize that all in all, the MOST common pose we share is the one that keeps us all together.


Rob 8) :p :)
Wait wait I was going for the 2,3,or 4 wife thing here ....:) But in all we are good friends here no harm or foul play done...:D