TADAA!! Here are the pics!


New member
This is a before ....




Tell me what yall think more pics to come later today..... Thanks for all the help fellas!


Looks awsome lady gator.How did you lift it and how high?
Jeep Birthday run November 8th and 9th

Nice! You said that was a spring over? was there any modifications to the springs? AALs? Body lift? Shackle lift? Or was it just Pure SOA? I'm asking cause my SOA is a week away... and I'm doin AAL too...

What do you use that diamond plate box for? It looks like your some sort of dog catcher with that thing!

Oh and the snorkel look shhhwweeeeet. I'm gonna get me one of those! Is that an ARB??? How much?
Thanks Sully! It ended up being an SOA lift about 7 inches, plus new spacers about 2 inches, and new shocks were probly another couple inches. Total around 10-11 inches. I will be needing springs soon so that will be a few more. I also had a stabilizer put on the front helps tremendously with stability.It drives sooooooo much better than before. I also got new rims that are sweet, heavy duty for off roading. I will get them name and post it. I have changed so much i can't remember it all.
Yes it was an pure SOA nothing changed with the springs, new shocks, I did not need the SYE eithier. I added new spacers because i had a cracked one. Stabilizer on the front. They also lifted the transfer case rather than spacing it to give more clearance. I had a welder I know do all the work he did a great job. The snorkel was ARB and it ran about $250 w/out shipping not installed. Just the kit.
pro comp mt's vs at's

Lady G That thing looks great!! lets get some action photos next. Have you taken it out for a "break in" yet.

I am going to the woods for a week 2nd week of Nov... can not wait. i will have some actions pics to show yall when i get back and yes that is a dog box in the back. I dog hunt for deer with Blueticks.

haha, looks like you have underglow or something. I guess that I just..well..I dunno..what's the light coming from under the car?

BTW: Very nice lift! Can't wait to see the pics of you having fun with her.

Starts for 30 seconds and dies

be careful with that snorkel sticking up that high I broke the head off on mine when I clipped a tree with it. They are awsome though. snorkels and winches are the best investment I think. Great jeep
Thanks for the advice I did not really think about that. I will now keep that in mind. Going into tight hammocks it could happen.

Beach they are alloy, not chrome, but they have a pretty good finish on them. I got 4 good and a spare, not so good same size