
Dont worry about the AX-5; just use it until it explodes then change it for a "new" (junkyard) one... They are dirt cheap. Just dont bother to rebuild one, as I have heard horror stories from people doing it this way.

Whats wrong with my Jeep wrangler2.5L. When it runs for about 5 to 10 minutes it starts to miss, bacfire, loss power. I have took off converter, dropped gas tank, changed fuel filter, changed spark plugg wires , distributor cap, rotor buttom. Whats next
I would start a separate thread for this (and it would help if we knew what model you have), but assuming it is a wrangler, check the cat; it may be clogged up. Also, check the fuel pressure at the rail; your pump may be dead or dying... A good thermometer for how the engine is running are the plugs; have you pulled them (they are cheap to replace!)? How did they look?