Swerving when I take my foot off the accelerator


New member
Hello all, just picked up a new ( for me ) jeep, has a 3 inch lift and 33 inch tires, its been a while since my last jeep - a CJ 7. When driving home I noticed it fishtails a bit when I take my foot off the accelerator, it does not do this when in 4 wheel drive.. any thoughts?
maybe bad bushings also, the ones in the leaf springs. sounds like you jeep is taking off and everything is torquing over to the side and hten when you let off, the torque is removed and the leafs shift back to the other side.
I have it going in on Monday to get looked at, it does do that, I went up and down the road today to get a feel for it, it goes to the right when I take my foot off of the accelerator and to the left when I put it back on. It is worse the faster I am going. Thanks for you input, very much appreciated.

Could be a symptom of a bad motor/transmission mount.

My money is on worn rear control arm bushings.
He lists his Jeep as a 99 TJ so no leaf springs. Bad engine or trans mounts should not cause his symptoms, nor will out of balance tires.
4WD will lessen the affect since 1/2 the power that was going to the rear axle is now going to the front.
duh, i forgot he has coil springs. i am going with control arm bushings also then. my bmws did the same thing when those went out and htey are coil spring also