
New member
so in three weeks i start school with the intent on a career in law enforcement. it had always been my plan to go into the marshall service, but reciently (ill admit it, the movie was what sparked the thought to me) id been thinking about swat. i know theres several cops and the likes here, any of you guys got any advice for me about this?

Now i'm no cop but don't feel bad about having your interest sparked by a movie. I have the same idea. With the exception that I want to be a pilot. Top Gun did it for me and now I'm on the path to ecoming a fighter pilot. I know from people I've met making SWAT is not easy. Think about it. It's the police's Special Ops so it isn't going to be easy. If it's what you really want, put your mind to it and you can do it.
Better stick to the major metropolitan areas if you're interested in such a specialization. I like the quiet rural areas, no swat option around here.

I also work part time for the US Marshall Service, good gig, pay is great if you don't mind relocating.

You might also want to check if your local department of choice has a Drug enforcement division. Both my parents are in law enforcment (mom is a jailer and dad was a deputy). I am getting out of the Army this coming May and moving back to WA with the hopes of getting on the County Sheriffs Dept. In WA there is a special Division called Westnet. It is a mix of multiple counties, state patrol, DEA, and FBI that is solely for drug enforcement that performs many of the sme tasks as SWAT. Just an idea that you might want to sheck out. - Chris
Yeah, check your local law enforcement agencies and see what they have available to you... keep in mind that with most departments, you must be with them for a while before you can even apply to be on the SWAT unit.

That and alot of units decide who they want and who they don't, it's not left up to the administration. Mentality being, this person is going to be covering our back, we should have some say so as to whether we think they can handle the job or not.

I was a cop for 12 years with two smaller departments... finally left cause I got fed up with the politics.

Went through a SWAT sniper school too... pretty intense, but lotsa fun if you're into that kind of thing.

Good luck where ever ya go in your career and be safe,


P.S. as they used to say on Hill Street Blues "Let's be careful out there" and "Let's do it to them before they do it to us."
A "hook" will definitely help in a large city department like NYC, I think it might be unoffically mandatory there, also being EMT certified is a huge plus as well, My new department is much smaller and I was able to get on with only being there for about 2 1/2 years, being in great shape is a plus and your reputation and work performance also has a major say, if guys don't trust you or have the confidence in you they are not going to want to work with you in those type situations. If you really want it you should have no problem, just keep a positive attitude, stay in shape, do good work, use common sense and don't give up

:lol: My small town has a Swat team. It cosists of ONE guy and a 30-06. I know this because I was looking around for a Sniper Position after getting out of the Marine Corps. Needless to say, they didn't have any posistions open :D
Looking for a couple of things for an 82 CJ-7.

in addition to the hook, and being an EMT, certain mechanical skills help alot. the entry team stuff you see on t.v. is only a small percentage of the job. the rest is responding car accidents involving a "pin". dog jobs, and assorted animal jobs, helping other cops get into their cars after they just locked themselves out, crime scene searches. in nyc there is alot of other things that will take up your day other than entry team duty

bounty, what do u do for the marshalls? a girl i work w/'s boyfriend is interning with them this summer, but she doesn't seem to like me so much, so i dont think id be able to talk to him much...
2.5l engine trouble

not every thing has to do with jeeps, this is a big family, we discuss everything, problems, great things, and every thing in between.... not just jeeps..... :mrgreen:

Basically shuffle Fed. Prisoners to court from holding cells, and transport between USP's and to ConAir. It's a part-time contract gig, helps them out with manpower issues. Usually paired up with a Deputy Marshall. Frees up more of them for huntin' bad guys and other assignments.

94 Grand Cherokee Rear Axle Help

The SWAT is pretty cool but wouldn't it be cooler to be in the NSA or CIA or even teh FBI????
SWAT rocks and so does the movie ....LOL They need more movies like that and maybe crimes would go down....LOL....:p :p :p :p
Am i just imagining . . . .

I just saw SWAT today, it was an alright movie, but in my opinion it was over-rated. To generic, few good scenes, i would give it 3 1/2 stars outta 5. On a second note *I think it would be totally rad to be in swat.

bounty, u just became my resident expert on the marshall service. lol. i dated a girl whos dad ws FBI (u ever see "meet the parents"? yea, just like that) anyway, he told me getting into the fbi was tough. u needed to have job skill that they needed at the time, like being a lawyer or a doctor or things like that. is this something that i should be thinking about? planning for in school?