Swap in a cruise control?


New member
So my Aunt Dori down in Virginia got herself a 1995 XJ Sport... It does not have cruise control... Problem is, she's kind of a leadfoot, and frequently utilizes the cruise to keep from getting pulled over... I would love to try and install a cruise system from another Jeep of that era, just wondering what I would be getting into, and would it be something that I could do, or shouldn't even bother trying... It's not terribly important that she have it, just a thought in my mind...

I've never installed one myself, but have looked into it in the past. Research before you buy. there are better kits and there are worse kits. THey don't really look all that hard to install though.
RE: Community Volunteering

Check eBay before you buy anything. There are some sellers on there that sell complete MOPAR kits for just about anything you want to buy.