suzuki samurai


New member
hey all....i have the chance to buy a samurai and was wondering if anyone here ever had one. that would be a cool little truck have around to play with. just wanted to here from someone who has had one.

I've never had on, but, I've always wanted one. I've seen them walk through some pretty sloppy mud and float over it. And all the upgrades are cheap.
I have always wanted one just to beat up on the trail and do things with it I wouldnt do with my jeep. If i had a chance to buy one for cheap, id do it. Swap some yota axles and springs in it from a junkyard and that thing will be quite the rig.

I've never owned one, but my friends grandfather has one. We wheeled it on some pretty fair to hard trails around his farm up in ohio some years back. It was pretty much stock and it was kick ass. It is one of the things that made me want to get a Jeep :D
they are kinda cool. They need a lot swapped out to be real reliable in the beating category though. They tend to constanly break things when you start playing hard or adding larger tires. Now if you had a spare 83-84 toyota 4x4 laying around with good running gear then they rock!! :lol:
My buddies kid has had several. He finally has one with full toy gear and it is rather impressive.
I sort of had one, It was a friend of mines, but he went into the military and he gave it to me, it was a 86, and was pretty well beat! I tried my hardest to drive that thing into the ground, but i just would not die!! I sold it for $100 back in 97 after about a month of tourcher.
If the price is right, I say go for it. They can get to some trail that even a jeep would have trouble cause they are so small!

95YJ leafs

:lol: Good luck. The only person I knew with a Samari rolled it on top his arm and almost lost it, still has serious elbow damage 12 years later.

I suppose that could happen in a Jeep too though.

Lady :lol:
Samurai's are very capable when outfitted right, however, they are so short that the rear tries to leap frog the front when going down steep grades :?
never underestimate a samurai... NEVER... we had one that was passed throughout our friends a few years back... nobody knows where it is now... but it was basically stock, with a snorkel... and yeah, it worked well... every owner did EVERYTHING they could to kill it... it would not die for anything... one of the owners would start it up every winter morning, not let it warm up, and drive 10 miles to work in 1st gear, redlining it the entire time, cold... JUST to try to kill it... welp... never happened... and that thing would float over any mud... if it got stuck, which was rare.... 3 guys could pull it out with ropes

well i got it....bad #@% little thing. didnt get a chance to take it out yet, but i think that it will do just fine. very similar to my yj. slow, noisy, and bouncy :lol: .....but it has locking hubs. im gonna take it out this weekend and try to get it stuck, hope i dont its gettin cold here in pa. one thing that i did notice is that the jeep wave dont apply here :shock: