Stupid People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: What is the difference

I have one of those air horns with the little canister on it, when a kid pulls up next to me and I cant here my music over his I pull the horn out from under the seat and blast it out the window and them.... money well spent, cuz when they get pissed I just ask them if my loud horn is annoying them, then tell them I know the feeling
RE: Change component name to sway or stabilizer bar

88Wrangles said:
Well who's got the pop-corn?? This is getting good!!


Re: RE: Re: RE: What is the difference

TwistedCopper said:
graewulf said:
If you choose to disobey the laws and not do such, either stay off the road or come borrow this single shot pistol I have siting here and put yourself out of my misery.....

First offence no seatbelt or helmet should be a fine.. second... loss of license.
You scare me.

mud4feet said:
Did I mention the Patriot Act scares the shite out of me?

LadyJeepFreak said:
I hate this act.

Okay here goes...
I wear my seatbelt. always.
My kids are in carseats beyond the legally required ages. always.
I wear a helmet on a motorcycle. always.
I wear my safety glasses every time I have a tool in my hand.
I wear steel toes, a hard hat, gloves, and long sleeves when working not because they are mandatory, but because I am extremely safety concious, and value my eyes, fingers, toes, etc. I feel it is my duty to my family to return home in the same condition that I left.

I hate laws that protect me from me. I hate the government telling me how to prepare for my own safety. What's next? 6' deep crash mats for bungee jumping? Knee pads for cyclists? These laws suck and are extreme voiations of our freedom.

As for the police, a law is a law and their job is their job. Can't blame them for doing their job.

I think it would be a good idea if insurance companies had language in their policies that voided personal injury claims for not wearing belts. There is a big difference between that and fining someone who may have simply forgotten his/her belt.

TC, I'm agreeing with you!?!?! 100%!! That's kinda scarin' me too! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Since I was specifically called out to provide some information, I will do so.

I would like to point out however that my point is not based off injury/death reports for wearing or not wearing your seatbelt. I simply disagree with these types of laws, because I don't believe they are in place for the purpose we are led to believe. Even if wearing my seatbelt can save my life; it should be my decision to wear or not wear it. I shouldn't have that governed for me. Next I'll be required by law to wear underwear.
You don't apply for a license. You go get your license. You don't fill out an application, you fill out a form, then you take a test to prove that you are not completely braindead (anyone can pass it), then you are driving. When you apply for something that means there is a decision process that will either grant or deny you.

Right not priveledge.

Splhplphlphphl! :lol:

hope you popcorn eatin guys choke on a kernel (JK)

Spatula said:
Since I was specifically called out to provide some information, I will do so.

I would like to point out however that my point is not based off injury/death reports for wearing or not wearing your seatbelt. I simply disagree with these types of laws, because I don't believe they are in place for the purpose we are led to believe. Even if wearing my seatbelt can save my life; it should be my decision to wear or not wear it. I shouldn't have that governed for me. Next I'll be required by law to wear underwear.

Just as I thought. "Studies and Data" supplied by a fringe "news" site. Their figures aren't even close to the actual data, from either state quoted. Now, show me some real data, not something that some whack-job antiestablishmentarian has made up.
TwistedCopper said:
You don't apply for a license. You go get your license. You don't fill out an application, you fill out a form, then you take a test to prove that you are not completely braindead (anyone can pass it), then you are driving. When you apply for something that means there is a decision process that will either grant or deny you.

Right not priveledge.

Splhplphlphphl! :lol:

hope you popcorn eatin guys choke on a kernel (JK)

You can be denied a license based on age, citizenship, past convictions. You can have your license revoked based on certain conditions. You must make an appeal to a court to have your license reinstated.

Priveledge, not right.

Plblblblblblblblblb! :lol:
Actually in Maryland is is priveledge. MVA can suspend you for any reason, and the form you complete is called an application. They can denie you a license due to a bad record from another state if they want to. Maryland traffic law defines driving as a priveledge which could be suspended or revoked at any time for any reason. thats why when you get charged with driving while your license and priveledge are suspended.

RE: Speedometer not speedometering right

so... voting is also a priveldge?

You have to wait until you are eighteen, and it can be denied if you are a convicted felon.

My point is, everyone of legal age and health has the right to drive. Sure this right can be denied, but it is yours to lose, as are many rights we have in this country ;)