Strange startin problem


New member
i used to have this thing happen before fairly random but it cleared itself up i thought it was just a sloppy pinon shaft on my starter... but i've noticed a pattern... right after i get gas *most of the time i fill up* when i start the jeep up it just lopes around a few times and really sounds like its straining to start.. usually just a few extra turns then it would fire... last time i filled up i really thought it wasnt going to fire had a good 6 or 8 lopey chugs before it fired up it.... anybody have any ideas ?? i mean it runs fine battery is good i had all of that checked out think i need a new starter ? or is it something in the ignition or fuel system ?
I wouldn't think it had anything to do with the gas. I know it is a sealed system, but I don't see how that would make the Jeep crank slow. I would guess more the battery connection somewhere. Either at the battery or the other end. Maybe even the connection at the starter.
When you say loping, are you saying that the engine is firing but not wanting to start or that the starter is dragging and running erratic RPM's?
My guess would be that the starter is hot and dragging. This used to be a bad problem with older Chevrolet engines. My other guess would be that you have an Autozone starter.