Stinkin' Chrysler!!!


New member
Jeep Wrangler 98 TJ half doors

On the inside of the fuse door (Pass. side kickpanel) it says to refer to owners manual for diagram. In the owners manual it says refer to inside of fuse panel door. Nice 'eh?

I look under the hood and it had no diagram on that one either. The large fuses were labeled and I think maybe the relays too, but the small fuses were not labeled.

I can't tell what fuse is what - anybody have a diagram or a link? Makes trying to check a fuse a much longer process!

RE: I was stiffed...

What year is yours again? I have the '00. The manual has a table in the Fuses section that tells me what does what. But that's only for the interior one... In the under-hood panel, it lists the relays and the big maxi-fuses, but the little mini-fuses in that panel are not listed anywhere... Asked the dealership about that, they told me that they're in the book... I know that one under the hood controls interior lights by zapping and blowing it on accident, that's about it...

Memory's trying to tell me that you have an '00 as well... I have misplaced my manual, so if anyone has said info, I could use it too, it sucks to hunt down which fuse is which when you've blown one.

CJ-7 carb problems, please help.

Excellent! Thank you very much!