stay away from the dark side { a jeep wanna-be }


New member

so a co-worker of mine was lookin ta buy a new ride . we take my jeep to lunch everyday and he was / is in love with it but was convinced he could'nt afford one . i kept tellin him not ta give up and keep lookin . but he was gettin impatent and was gunna buy either a used chevy tracker {puke} or a used samari { double puke} but i kept tellin him ta hold out and keep lookin . low and behold what did he stumble on 3 days ago ? a 85 cj from california , 97,000 miles, 258 with a HOLLEY 4, fer $2000 . he's 25 , never owned anything cool before and now he's walkin on clouds. so let that be a lesson to all you out there that if ya want something bad enough , be patient , don't settle for something" kinda close " and you'll find it .[addsig]


Heh...always had a Jeep...and just can't think of anything "close" to close lol :lol:

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]


... kuz she laid me... (blink song, following tug's line)[addsig]

I've actually gotten what I thought was a "tracker wave", when some guy in a tracker waved to me. I returned the wave before I realized what was happening I wanted to chop my hand off...good thing I waved, though. Turns out that I knew the guy, and his wife, b/c I had played guitar at their wedding. The next time I talked to him I noticed he was driving a tracker, put two and two together. He told me how much he loved my jeep, and that he wanted one, but they were too expensive...but that if I wanted to trade, he'd be glad to (ha ha). Ever since then I've been a little (not completly, though) more careful about making fun of the "jeep wanna be" models![addsig]

P.S. However, I've been sitting here thinking about it...there is no way to be polite about it...jeeps are just cooler. I guess even the tracker people realize it.[addsig]


How do you guys feel about International Scouts?
One of our ex-management guys had a very cool
Scout. He tore it down to the bare body. Added
a Chevy 400 V8, Bronco axles, 2 bare seats, and
a set of aftermarket gauges. Very primitive and I
thought it was sweet. He liked things simple! :)

edited by: thehemi, May 15, 2003 - 09:32 AM[addsig]

scouts are cool . a friend of mine had one and it was a blast . i also like old broncos and LOVE 79 and earlier RAMCHARGERS . my 76 RAMCHARGER was something straight out of MADMAX {440 , 35s , flat black } . it's not that i don't like other rides , i just can't stand these little econo-boxes that play up on their 4wd platforms.[addsig]


speaking of trackers... 2 stories. one, after my first car burned, my parents tried to convince me to get a bright purple tracker because they were buying a new car and i guess the guy offered them a good deal on the package of those two. 1) i don't like bright purple. 2) its a tracker. they (my parents) insisted i take it for a test drive. definitely felt like a toy car/clown car. it seemed to shake over 35 mph, and the brakes weren't too useful when i did need them. i was definitely not a fan at all. i found the situation quite amusing and told a few friends who also termed it a death machine. anyways, my mom later appologized to me for even mentioning that i should get the tracker. she said the jeep was much cooler (thats what i had tried to tell her when they first told me they wanted me to CONSIDER the tracker). :lol: why go for a wanna be when you can have the real thing?
story number 2. i was behind a tracker the one day and its license plate said JEEP LVR. i was trying to figure out if they thought they owned a jeep or if they were just recognizing? ;-) [addsig]

Scouts are great... the only thing wrong with them is the 0 degree caster, the steering wanders... and the Ramcharger... My first vehicle was a ramcharger, 360 ci monster... you could walk between the front seat and the dashboard with your hands out and not touch anything... and had to slide over to turn the radio station... but that damn thing was a monster... the first week i had it, i took her offroad and was knocking small trees down... then got caught at the car wash spraying it off... but i lied about that one and got away... then later got caught again when they found a 3" wide tree stuck under it, that i had overlooked... i'm glad those days are long over... i can do whatever i want with the jeep[addsig]

mabye...... instead of LVR meaning lover it meant liver . they could of been saying that they were so desperate to get out of the tracker and into a JEEP that they would trade a body part for one . could happen .[addsig]


My first truck is a Jeep and it will be my last O|||||O :evil: [addsig]

i know ive said this before, i but my pre-jeep days i wanted a scout sooooo bad, couldnt find one worth a damn for a resonable price.... :-( but i would still buy one if it was a good deal, on the caster thing snitty said, yea ZERO caster= wandering, that kinda sucks, that was fixed in 1980, but that was also the last year of them to see production. oct 27 1980 was a very sad day in 4x4 history... :-( :-( :-( [addsig]


I used to always love the old scouts. A friend of mine runs a body shop and a few years ago he had one in his shop that the owner was restoring. Thats where I first got a really good look at one and after that I always wanted one. As far as trackers go... my soon to be ex. father in law has one. I laugh at it and call it a wanna be all the time :lol:

edited by: jeepin_madness, May 15, 2003 - 09:19 PM[addsig]

Scouts, ramchargers, and early bronco's are all awesome trucks. But need we forget the 73-87 chevy's. My first rig was a 77 blazer w/ 400 and 4 spd transmission. I put 33's under her, no lift, and wheeled the hell out of her. My father bought her new, I bought her when I turned 16 for $2500 off him, and I still have her, In storage!
Anything with a solid front axle can handle it's own out on the trails. forget about IFS.

Just waiting till I have enough money to put her back on the road! 7 mpg on the highway and a 32 gallon tank are a killer (expensive) combo.
