Springs wearing out, recomendations?


New member
My springs are starting to sag. I've heard some good things about Rough Country. Any other brands people have been happy with? Remember, cheap is always excellent. haha

Rough Country is good. You can also add a single YJ main leaf to each pack to get a little more life out of what you have.

Any local spring shops around you that can rearch your springs? Cost about $60 a spring here.

I like BDS mainly because I had them on my YJ and loved them, the warranty is what made me choose them over others. BDS has a lifetime "no fine print" warranty. If they sag like the ones you have now they will replace them. The ride quality is excellent also.
I can tell you that I've heard Rancho and Pro Comp ride rough because they are very stiff, which may be what some want - but not me.
I will vouch for the Rough County lifts. Installed the 3" on my 95YJ and I am very pleased with it. I think its the best bang for your buck. If I recall correctly from former posts the Hell Creek kit uses their own springs with the remaining hardware coming from the Rough Country Kit. My kit was $425 shipped to my door.
I have a 3.5" Superlift. Superlifts are like the others in cost, but are as stiff or more stiff that ProComp or Rancho. I plan on putting a Rubicon Express lift when I get the funds.

That's right, beachjeep. Hell Creek springs with the RC hardware kit. Also $425 shipped to my door. Also, the Hell Creek springs are guaranteed for the life of the vehicle (same owner only). And I asked specifically before buying if he'd replace sagging springs and he said "Yes". That and the price is what made me a buyer. Guarantee of BDS, cost of Rough Country. Plus the HellCreek springs are 4" not 3". :wink:

MerkL said:
I have a 3.5" Superlift. Superlifts are like the others in cost, but are as stiff or more stiff that ProComp or Rancho. I plan on putting a Rubicon Express lift when I get the funds.

As stiff or more stiff than ProComp? :shock: Your back and neck have my sympathy :cry:

I highly recommend getting add a leafs put in and have a spring shop rearch the stock springs. It will be the cheapest way to go and you can get great results. After a guy gave me my springs, he had them rearched with add a leafs. Honestly, they ride great and I got 3" lift from it.

DITCH THOSE LIFTED SHACKLES THOUGH. I told you not to do them. LOL. Just kidding :wink: . But really, they are most likely the reason for your springs to flatten along with age.

Good luck and let us know what you do.
dana 44

Found a place that rearchs springs but said it is $600 if they do everything. I guess the $60 a spring was if you took them out and put them in yourself.

Avenger Carb. or Fuel Inj?

Go with the BDS you won't be disapointed, The ride is great and the warrenty is better. I sell a ton of these kits and have never had a complaint. I have tested the warrenty, when a customer jumped his jeep and wrecked a spring. They sent in a new one no charge and no questions.