Spend a little time serving others on Christmas?


New member
RE: Re: Here are some progress pics

My wife and I were discussing doing something on Christmas eve to brighten the holiday a little for some who may need it.

We don't have the money to donate to some of our usual charities this year so we are going to volunteer somehow.

At first we thought about volunteering at a soup kitchen, but we want our kids involved and they are a bit young for that.

We're thinking about going to a nursing home or two and visiting with the elderly. Some of them may not have any family or may not see any family on Christmas so we were thinking about making cookies and ornaments to bring. Whenever we go to visit a family member of ours that has been reduced to full time care as a result of a severe stroke very many of the elderly light up when they see our kids.

We're pretty exited about doing it and teaching our kids about the need and the joy of service to others.

Anybody do this kind of stuff - volunteer in another way, donate, etc?

Mudwoman works in a nursing home. She often takes her hammered dulcimer to work (not in her job description) and plays for the folks. And every now and then, she'll grab the dulcimer and I'll grab my guitar and we'll go play for them in the evenings. They are really very appreciative and we both enjoy it. Not really a Christmas thing, though.
I have volunteered and donated through all of my adult life. Besides the money (which I don't have much to share of) I've taught, fed, taxi'd, babysat, cooked, sang, read, and gosh knows what else.

Depending on what I volunteered for, some of it is really enjoyable. It all depends on what you want out of it and what your own preferences are.

There are so many organizations and people out there who all need lots of extra love and help so anyone that is willing to come out and help, the more the merrier. I really believe it is a noble cause. It will be great for your children too! It makes me smile to think about it actually!

Ball joints...

Its not really Christmas, but we are starting to talk about and im really excited. The bible study group Im involved in here at school is going to Missouri (Im in Indiana) to work on a Habitat for Humanity house over spring break. Like I said, im excited and really looking forward to it.


XJ... can it tow my YJ?

Its great to see everyone helping. My company and its employees are big givers to the United Way. I always wish I could do more though
My Jeep

We always give/participate in gift trees for children (and this year the soldiers) and food drives and such. But I would like to find a way to volunteer my time.
RE: Selling the Jeep (ouch)

(I just saw that I wrote "very many" :roll: )

We want to make this an annual or even an ongoing thing, and are unsure how&what we will do exactly. Kinda silly but we started talking about it after watching "Shallow Hal" - you know, the part when they re-visit the burn center. It had me thinking and then my wife turned to me and said that we should do something like that. Weird. Seems kind of ironic to be inspired by that dumb movie (dumb, but funny as hell!).

RE: Re: Here are some progress pics

Every year I volunteer to help the marines pick up the toys for tots boxes at various locations around my area, then I drop them off at the armory. I usually bring my neices, ages 2-5 , and they help me by carrying any smaller gifts!

Just a thought!