Speed bumps


New member
A while back we got speed bumps on our street. We've had jackasses doing 50+ on our 25 mph residential side street that has lots of kids (in addition to mine).

A few days after getting the speedbumps, I was cutting my grass when a silver Honda Civic with a farting muffler came flying up the street. I've seen the kid before and he's always flying. Well he didn't see the new speedbump (faaaaaart faaaart fart fart fart... KLUNK!) and hit it so hard it knocked off the plastic garbage under the plastic garbage where his bumper should be. I just shook my head and smiled as he shoved it in his trunk.

I saw the same kid on the way to work this morning and he had a bumper sticker that read "speed bumps piss me off".

I shook my head and laughed again!

LOL. Just what the jerk deserved :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

We dont have speed bumps here in Utah, the city street planning commission and nature takes cares of that for us....

I live on a "U" shaped street, both ends have a deep dip that makes getting low ground clearence vehicles across costly for the owners.
There is one Honda civic with a shotgun exhaust sticking out the back, with some sort of stereo system that rattles our windows as he drives down the street at 2 in the morning. There is only one way he can get onto our street, is by hugging the corner where the dip is the slightest.

Well like I said the corner is one type of speed bump but mother nature is the other. Last friday ole mom nature dumped 18 inches of snow onto our neighborhood making it impossable to get onto our street let alone drive around. (the snow plows couldnt keep up with the storm)
Well our civic loving idiot tried for over and hour to get his precious civic across the dip with no luck. So he parked it on the main street right in front where our street meets it. Some time in the night our friendly snow plow men came through and started doing his thing.
(Edititor's Note: if you live in Utah and it snows...get your vehicle off the street before the plows come through or a face a ticket or worst!)

Our sadistic plow man had no choice but to bury the civic! Well he did a great job and left several street loads worth all around that civic. ( I wonder if it's not too late to buy him a Christmas gift)
Well the bad news if froze friday night and turned that 5 foot tall x 3 foot thick speed bump into a solid lump of ice. Its Sunday and that little civic is still frozen in it's cacoon, one hopes that stays in the lower 20's for the rest of the winter.
Oh and the local police man came though and left him a little belated Christmas gift.

What a speed bump!
Re: Does anyone know anything about digital cameras?

Well listen to this! A couple of years ago they were trying to do the same thing on the street I lived on at the time, that is slowing traffic down on a residential street. This was a classic comment that I heard from homeowners on the street who WANTED the speed reduced: "We don't want speedbumps because we've heard they scrape the bottoms of our cars." (mostly mercedes, bmw's and the like). My response: "That's because you're driving too fast!". So instead they put in islands in the middle of the street at both ends of the street to reduce the width of the street, in hopes of reducing speeds. They succeeded in slowing people down at the very ends of the street (where there were stopsigns anyhow) and people still race through! Jackasses the lot of em'!
A few months ago I used a 86 Ford Thunder Bird as a Speed Bump he was speeding ran a stop sign and I slammed into him

I got teh ticket though :x Try explaining to a cop why you are pulling off of a cars hood that ran a stop sign and you plowed into

That civic owner was lucky it was just a speed bump. He'd be picking up a lot more parts off the street if he drove by my house like that :x
serves him right... i hate people that speed like that almost as much as the ones that have to shake the whole neighborhood.....
New Years Eve some many years ago in Anchorage AK. a car was parkes near a fire hydrant. The thing some how started to spray kinda hard along about 10:00pm or so. Well we made a call to the city to let em know that the hydrant was leaking. That was the end of that!

Party on till the way early hours. Dancen and drinken and just generaly blowing out the old year. A good host took the keys at the start of the night and said no one leaves till after beakfast.

9:30 am or so I leave along with many other guest only to find the hydrant still spraying rater bad now. Over the night in sub zero temps the car in the no park zone had become in cased in a really thick coat of ice now. Frozen in place the ice was up to the bottom of the doors from the ground and the body of the car was in several inches of ice.

The fire department was laughuing so hard at the jerks car as they turned off the hydrant. There was a cop there and he said he just did not have the heart to ticket the poor guy. Was there in place for several weeks. News Paper took pics of it for an artical. Was so funy!

I just wonder what kind of dammage it did to the thing? tug