

New member
I just saw on the weather channel that there is alot of tornado activity in Kansas. Just wondering if you are doing any chasing/watching?

Nope. It was all pretty far to the west and northwest from me. With gas prices and the job, my chasing will be severely limited this year, most likely will only chase on the home turf, Sedgwick, Reno, Harvey, Butler, Sumner, Cowley, Harper, and Kingman counties.

Thanks for thinking about me, though! I hear there was one very large tornado out west last night. So far, no damage reports, as they were apparently all over open country.
bchcky said:
start saving and happy bidding.

Who, me? HA! No, ya see, I don't need to pay someone to take me out to find tornadoes. I've been chasing for over 20 years, and have people offering to pay me to take them. The problem with a lot of these "Professional Tornado Tours" is that they rely heavily on all of their onboard computers, radars, sensors, etc., and don't pay enough attention to the sky. 9 times out of 10 they'll be headed the wrong way when a tornado forms and totally miss it before they get turned around. I've sat on a hilltop down south of here before and watched dozens of these "professionals" go zipping by with all their radar dishes and wind sensors on top of their vans, heading way too far south or west. Meanwhile, from where I sat, I watched the entire storm and caught the tornado from beginning to end without ever starting up the storm buggy. After it was overwith, here they came, zipping back up the road the other direction with a look of disappointed panic in their eyes. Ya gotta watch the sky, it'll tell you pretty much all you need to know about when and where a tornado will form.

RE: What is the difference

yeah, and then be somewhere else.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: attn: Robrt-Stephens

The storm chasing is pretty cool, and I can completely understand the rush you must get from it. Whenever we have a hurricane here, I just can't stay in the house. I have to get out and experience it, feel it. Natures power is amazing.
87 yj

Junkpile said:
The storm chasing is pretty cool, and I can completely understand the rush you must get from it. Whenever we have a hurricane here, I just can't stay in the house. I have to get out and experience it, feel it. Natures power is amazing.

I'd love to ride out a hurricane someday! I've been in an "inland hurricane" with 117mph sustained straightline winds for 30 minutes, but nothing like the real thing. One of these days........

You should see and hear the tape of the chase Sunshine and I went on last summer, it's hilarious! We sound like a couple of old fogies bickering at each other. One part of the video, the radio station we were listening to was going to stop their coverage of the storm, because it was getting out of their area, so I was shouting something obscene about them "not caring about people to the east of them, sure just let'em die!" I later took the video to the TV station that also partners with that radio station so they could use it on the news. They had a good laugh over that. There was another part where Sunshine was yelling at me to slow down, and I was yelling at her to keep filming and shut up......I guess ya just had to see it.