sound bars

Mine was factory option.You could check some junkyards.They are all about the same what you want to watch for is the type and quality of the speaker.
if its the quality you are worried about id say buy the ceapest one you can find and put in some quality speakers the price should even out. The speaker size is 5.25 but i have heard that you can fit 6.5 without any modifications to the bar. 6.5's right over your dome should hit pretty hard
I used these in my CJ. The sound is absolutely fantastic with the top up and pretty darn good top down, too. The problem was the expense... twice as much without speakers. I would do it again, though because it gives a good full sound. I like the idea of something like these, too. They go behind the front seats and "wrap around" the roll bar. I've heard some really good sound come from quality 6X9's. Much better than you'll get from a 5.25".

Sticking to a soundbar, though, I'd go junkyard or at least used. Quality in that requard is really going to boil down to fit and finish. Someone with more knowledge should be able to tell you if the TJ factory bar fits in your YJ. I echo the sound quality is really in the speaker... and moreso the headunit. My TJ has a 4 speaker sound bar and MB Quartz speakers up front, but sounds kinda cheesy... 'cause of the head unit. Alternately, I've got a $100 Kenwood head unit and Memphis speakers (which I consider low/average quality) all around in the CJ and it sounds great... even when I had problems with the amp and lost the two subs.

Not exactly and answer to your question, but other things to think about. Hope it helps.
