some very bad news guys

droopey very true and thanks once again .... yeah the nurse told me something about that the otherday when i was there but wow who would have thought all this great info from a jeepers site LoL just goes to show we know more than how to cause trouble off road haha ... but i really apreciate it guys dont know how much it means to me i'm off to the doc again here in a bout 15 i'll let ya know whats up .. but i feel great alot easier to walk on now so i'm sure the report will be good
Get a box of Culturelle. Its the only probiotic that's proven to not be destroyed but digestive enzymes on the stomach and pancreus. Its lactobacillus gg strain. Dont take it if your allegeric to milk though.

Hope you feel better.

The girls are going to love that scar I bet.

...Gnarly gash, dude! Got any more pics? You can PM them to me, in case others here don't want to see the gore. (Us retired paramedics still can't resist seeing it, though.)

Hang in there and get better soon!!

LOL, was reading as quick as I could to find more pics... Us Medics must be sick or something.

Any ways Glad to hear that your leg is getting better. Lot of jeepers here been there done that though which is a good thing, as far as being able to pass on a little good advice. You take it easy and keep us up to date.
yeah very true very true ... as man y cuts i've had thats needed stitches and been full of oil and grease and i never went to a doc for i think i'll just swing by there now get a check up hahah alot cheaper in the long run .. but just got back from the doc and everything is gravey i got a 3 day pass to come back thurs for a check up and another precatiounary 88 dollar antibo shot just incase ... but here are some pics of when it was bad pics dont do the swelling justice but anyway lil summin LoL




dont mind the ghostbuster pillow LOL

Thats a sweet Pillow... oh, and yea it looks just a little infected. I am sure it hurt like a S.O.A.B. cool photos though, after it heals and somone goes, What is that from you can whip them out.
Brutal, glad to hear that its going to work out OK. Have you tried treating it with Pabst? that sometimes works...
hahahah gotta rep the pabst LOL well until the doc RX'd me some loratabs i'd been letting my ol grandad and jimmy B help with the pain hahaha ER doc told me to take advil and i laughed at him so when i finally got a good doc he hooked me up atleast they help me sleep thats where my prob was i could grind my teeth moving around of a day it was sleeping that got me LOL
Glad that everything is good. Totally dig the pillow though. Nice placement. The PBR may sting when applied topically, but by the time that you end up trying it, it generally doesn't matter. Other than your buddies will make fun of you for years for trying that option...

LMFAO hahahah i'll drink to that one thanks guys i've been up moving around today feel like a new man i'm actually gonna try to hobble out tomorrow and get a few things done i'm going stir crazy haha

hahaha well i think i'll have one for the books after this all but the part where a few stitches popped out is healing very well .. the doc claims another 2 weeks off of it ... which is driving me insane
remeber to repost pics when it's healed, It's going to bee a kick a$$ scar, but you gota emelish the story behind it a little ;)
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