Soft Upper doors--any ideas?


New member
Somewhere along the way I inherited a pair of soft upper doors. They have the typical wrangler upper door shape and the three posts at the bottom to fit into a lower or half door. Catch is they have a beefy weather stripping and snaps along the bottom. Anyone know what vehicle or top/door these might fit?


:???:possibly a Pre- 96. I dont recall any snaps or button retainers on any of the TJ model Half doors. 3 post though?, the one's iv'e ever seen always had 2 post.:???: but i could be wrong.
Yeah, my TJ has the 3 posts.........and I believe mudwoman's '94 YJ does too! But snaps?? No on both counts. I just bought new skins for the TJ (see "zipper" thread) and there's nothing on the bottom of those (something they got right). I believe the YJ's windows have the "slot/groove" type connection at the bottom.........definitely not snaps. Sorry, I can't help. Must be some "non-OEM" type top. Put 'em on eBay with a disclaimer..........

Thanks for the info. Any idea if they are OEM or aftermarket, maybe Bestop?