Soap box time


Super Moderator
Well Boyz and Girlz, its high time ole Utah gets back onto his soap box for a rant or two.
I am sure by now all of you heard about the legislative bills SOPA (Stop online Piacy Act)and PIPA(Protect IP Act). Now I am sure many of you didn’t take the time to read these bills ,in their current form they can put a normal human to sleep in 6.5 seconds. But as a user contributed web site both of these bills could kill us in a few months. What you say? Utah you lie! Nope folks I am not.
You see every time one of you post something, a picture, a comment, or even a link. Under this legislation someone would have to check if it’s a copy written photo, a patented idea, or even a copy written comment. And if it is we would have to take it down or get our DNS blocked by your ISP providers. Whoa now what was that you just said? What it all boils down to is this. Most small web based, user contributed sites would have to check to see if anything posted (pictures, videos, or written material) was not in infringement on any copy protected material. And if it missed it, a web based police would force your internet providers to do a DNS blocking (the same thing as China does to its internet users) making it that even if you know the exact web address, you still couldn’t see the web site…hum someone say censorship.
I urge each of you to take the time to read up, learn, and voice your concerns about these two pieces of legislation.
Is getting down off the soap box...NEXT!
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My grandfather always said we would have to fight to reclaim our country from the Government.

We don't need a Constitutional Authority, or private business to Police the internet for things that doesn't matter like posting a picture.
If they want to police something try looking into the websites that tell you how to pass a drug test, build a bomb, or Child Pornography.

Arkansas Senator Boozeman (R) supports this bill, even co-sponsered it.
I'm sure he will respond with the default answer that we need this to protect America when in reality its all about Large Corporations / Campaign supporters being able to shut down a website if their loosing money due to it.

I have to throw the B.S. Flag on this bill


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i already wrote my letter to congress and the house for texas. we want freedom of speech
My senators and representatives have heard from me on this issue for some time.

If I need more protection by my government...wait a minute...I think I need more protection FROM my government.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." (Benjamin Franklin, 1775)

I emailed one of my congressmen and his reply said he is against it too. I can't stand the government trying to over control the people that has put them there to represent them and make good decisions, but it seems like those goons in washington do what they want and couldn't care less about the people they "represent"
Well as with many who waited for the "Internet strike day" to write my congress men, needless to say I got a "thank you for writing from Congressman Jeff Flake", and I got a nice big ole letter from Senator John McCain....that says this legislation is a strong piece of legislation that will help the American public (us) and will put millions of dollars back into the economy (who's pocket book?) it pretty much said I was paid off by *!#! $%^&*#$$$$$$@@!! and I support this legislation.
Needless to say I am very disappointed, with both of them. I will say that now because in the coming months if those bills pass I might not be allowed too.